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"I kissed him Irene. I kissed my gay bestfriend knowing that I have a girlfriend."

After saying that, Taehyung really wants to punch himself. But he held himself back and forced to look at what Irene's reaction is.

"I'm really really sorry, it's shameless of me to fucking ask for your help when all I did is ruin our relationship." Taehyung feels like vomiting blood. He can't quite know what else to say.

Irene sat there at his opposite, not even blinking nor showing any sign of being angry or surprised.

"Aren't you gonna say something?"

"Tell me why did you do it."

"I h-honestly don't know, fuck— I— I don't know.."

Irene put her palms together on the table and leaned in closer to Taehyung. "Maybe you do, you just don't wanna admit it. Are you scared Taetae?"

He just nodded in response.

"Why are you scared then?"

"I-i'm scared of everything Irene. Ever since we started seeing each other, I felt scared. Because I don't want to use you for my own good. I thought when I started liking the idea of dating you, it was enough but, fuck, it really wasn't," Taehyung was talking pretty fast, it feels like he's not breathing at all.

"Jungkookie, he, he was starting to cross the line that I've been dying to avoid ever since. And worst thing is, it's not even his fault. He was always good to me, but all I did was fuck everything up between us."

"And you, you're an amazing lady. And I'm so lucky you even took a chance to be with me. You don't deserve all of this. You don't deserve getting a half assed affection just because I'm a stupid coward."

To say that Taehyung is scared, is an utter understatement. He's terribly horrified of the whole thing slowly getting unfold.

"What are you implying then, Taehyung?"

"I'm saying that— I've been refusing to admit my feelings for Jungkook because I thought what we had was enough for us. At first, I thought I was just confusing it over our platonic relationship,"

"But when I kissed him, fuck, it's wrong yet so right at the same time. And I d-don't know Irene. I hate this. Because I know I have someone already, and it's selfish of me to ask for more."

Silence engulfed them for a bit.

"You like Jungkook,"

Another silence.

What Irene blurted out was the truth. The truth that Taehyung was having a hard time coming in to terms with.

What's he supposed to explain? Words are jumbling in his mind and his throat is starting to constrict.

"That's what you've been trying to avoid admitting, isn't it?"

He nods and Irene just smiled warmly.

"Took you long enough."

"Irene I'm so sorry-"

"You don't have to say sorry anymore, Tae. You've been forgiven ever since," Irene held his cold hands that are now trembling a bit.

"In the span of months that we've been together, you didn't thought I wouldn't notice? You were with me almost all the time but I know your mind is in somewhere else twenty four seven,"

"Yeah, I was a bit hurt realizing those things but, as soon as I saw you together with Jungkook, it just kinda banished. Because I saw how understanding he is with you. Even though you've been an idiot for avoiding him last time," she chuckles.

"And so I've come to terms that no matter how many people thinks that we're such a good match, it won't change the fact that your heart is clearly on someone else's,"

"And that's completely okay with me Taehyung."

Tears started falling from Taehyung's eyes. It wasn't his intention to hurt the people he cares the most, but he always end up doing it anyway.

"Hey, hey, don't cry Taetae.." Irene squeezed his hands against hers, trying to sooth his nerves from the small touch.

"Shouldn't I be the one crying?" She lets out a small chuckle to lessen the weight of the atmosphere that surrounds them. It didn't seem enough to calm Taehyung, because he just continued sobbing quietly.

Irene did her best to shush him until all she can hear is a sniffle that comes from Tae.

"I'll never stop saying sorry Irene, I just can't. You're the best I ever had, and that won't change. It's just stupid of me to mess it up."

"Yah, it's a bit unfair, don't you think? You're saying things that you know would win me over, again." Irene looked at him disapprovingly.

"But I've made up my mind already, so that won't change my mind." Irene crossed her arms over her chest, while playfully putting up a frown on her face.

It was in a joking manner but Taehyung knows that there's a sadness underneath all the facade.

He decided to hug her, for the last time. No words was exchange and all they can feel is the warmth of each other.

After pulling away, Irene glared at him and put out a pout.

"Kim Taehyung, I'm breaking up with you. Because you're a heartless douche and you wounded someone as pretty and as charming as me, hmp!"

And Taehyung just expected it. Irene wouldn't want them to end up in bad terms, because she's just that kindhearted. And so he put up a smile on his face and decided to tolerate whatever Irene wants to do as of the moment.

"Why?? Don't you love me anymore?"

"No, some servant said you're having an affair while you're with me."

"Well, I can change for you."

"I've already decided, and that's final. We're over."

"But princess, we're meant for each other!!" Taehyung clutched his chest jokingly and that made Irene laugh really loudly.

"That's clearly not the case," The latter glanced at her watch before smiling at him again. "Seeing that it's almost midnight, I better go now,"

"Your real prince is gonna be here any moment."


re-published coz wattpad messed the sequence up arrgg

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