Girls vs. Boys (Ziam + Jerrie)

Start from the beginning

They could hold hands in public like this because most of the time they held hands anyways, but when it came to sitting down and holding hands. That was a no, no, in their managements eyes.

"I can tell Zayn to piss off and we can have the night to ourselves, yeah? We can go to that hotel with the spa you like so much, mouse, Jade?" Perrie sat in the drivers seat, staring at Jade who kept her eyes on her fingers, twisting them around. She took Jades silence as sign, grabbing her phone and started poking around on it.

"No, Perrie." Jade placed her hand over Perrie's hand, blocking her view of the screen. "I want to it's just, Zayn's not going to.. he's not going to touch you in front of me is he?" Jade said shyly, looking down at her hand on Perrie's screen.

"No, mouse, never! Zayn knows he can't cross that line with me in front of you. We've talked about this, is that all you're worried about?" Perrie dropped her phone in her lap, grabbing Jades hand in hers. "Look at me, please."

Jade met her eyes, smiling back at her. "You're mine when we're intimate, not his. Don't get me wrong he's fit and I'd be more than willing to have sex with him but he can't touch you." Jade had a thing about sharing Perrie with Zayn, she knew their managements put Perrie and Zayn together to cover up Zayn's real relationship and hers with Perrie.

Jade also knew that Perrie and Zayn were sleeping together, she didn't mind because she herself was sleeping with her cover up boyfriend. Management suggested it, I mean how else where they all supposed to make this all believable to press and fans.

"No touching. Promise." Perrie cooed out, pulling Jade across the centre console of the vehicle. Perrie went to kiss her but she turned her head giggling. "Oi, let me kiss my girlfriend." Jade dodged her second attempt, making Perrie kiss her ear. "Stop it you nut, I want to kiss you. I haven't seen you all day and if I'm going to watch Zayn fuck you, I want my alone time now."

Jade scooted back out of Perrie's arms, into the passenger seat. "Not here, let's go to yours and then maybe I'll let you have the honor of kissing my lips." Jade cheekily grinned over to her as she sat pouting. "Kitten, I'm only joking." Jade leaned over quickly and pecked her on the lips, sitting back in her seat quickly. "But we should really go back to yours, yeah?"

"What if I want more of those sweet lips of yours?" Perrie bit her bottom lip, eyeing her.

"I'd like that too but someone could see us, please, let's just go to yours? I have a present for you too." Jade leaned over a bit, slipped her hand under Perrie's denim dress and slid her hand up her thigh.

Perrie grabbed Jades wrist, stopping her before she touched her underwear. "Okay, we can go." She said quickly, turning the car on and backing out of the parking space.

Once they pulled up, they got out quickly, running into the flat like preteens. Taking their bags off and tossing them onto the table in the centre of the foyer as soon as they got in the door. Perrie grabbed Jades hand, pulling her up the spiral staircase to her bedroom.

"Perrie, babe?" She heard Zayn shouting from somewhere downstairs, they both stopped on the steps.

"Yeah, babe?"

"What'd she say, you didn't text me!" His voice sounded closer this time.

"She said yes but we're going upstairs to prep or something. Just leave us, yeah?" Perrie started pulling Jade up the stairs again.

"No, no! Liam's already here and if you're both here, we're doing it now. I can't wait, I've been thinking about Jade since you left." Zayn rounded the corner, appearing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at the two of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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