We sat there and talked about all our old friends and how he wasn't looking forward to school or anything. I understood, I never was one for school either. I heard some commotion coming from the hall when hands clasped themselves around my face obscuring my vision, "Guess who?" I laughed, "Paul!" He sighed, "Damn it, how did you know?" I shrugged apologetically. David came and pushed me up slightly to sit behind me and I leaned back against him, I guess we were a couple now...at least that is the vibe I was getting. I smiled leaning my head back to look at him, "Good evening sleepy head." He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me softly on the forehead, "Good evening." Before he could kiss me again on the lips, Dwayne came and sat down on my and Sam's legs, "So what's the plan for tonight guys." I started to answer but was interrupted by Lucy, "Oh my goodness, who did all the cleaning? It looks so good!" Sam smiled and raised his hand, "I helped, but it was Sage's idea."

    David squeezed my side causing me to shriek and kick Dwayne in the butt. David was laughing hysterically, "Hey that's not funny man." Dwayne said rubbing his ass, "She could have kicked something else." We all laughed at that. Sam looked at me before asking his mom, "Hey, mom. Sage has also volunteered to help us pick out a laundry machine and TV...plus groceries." Lucy looked over joyed, "How lovely, let's all go. It'll be good for us to spend some quality time together." I nodded getting up and stretching, "I have to run home for a few minutes but I'll be back in a jiffy." David walked out after me, "You know, you didn't have to come over and clean today." I shrugged, "I was bored, didn't have anything else to do." He pulled me in for a hug and kissed me deeply. I smiled as he parted from me, "I'll be back in a few." I turned and headed home. I changed my pad and then grabbed my purse for a night of extremely boring shopping.

    When I got back they were all waiting outside, "To the mall, sir knight." I said getting on behind David. I could see Lucy and max kissing in the car and chuckled. When we got there, I mentioned that sears were the only one that had any good deals on appliances and so to sears we went. Sam picked out a Tv for the living room and then everyone started to pick one out for their bedrooms without blinking an eye. I did blink, that's a lot of dough to spend, but they did it like it was nothing. While we were looking at TV's Lucy went to pick out a washer and dryer. David held my hand, me still in my cleaning clothes and him in his dark, sexy clothes. I loved the way he looked in that coat and apparently so did a few others. I could over hear them talking about how it was a waste that he was with me. I rolled my eyes, David must have heard them too, because he smirked over at them and then pulled me in for a long, deep kiss.

    His face was still in deep thought about it after we parted. I blushed and looked back at the TV's. David chuckled, "Should I get one?" I laughed, "I don't know, do you want one. Do you even watch TV?" He nodded, "Yeah sometimes, maybe you'll want to watch some when you spend the night, one night." I blushed even more. He noticed and smirked. He picked a decent sized one and loaded it onto the cart for the delivery man. I watched as Marko put a sound system on the cart. David put his arm around me and I asked, "So are you guys, like, rich?" Paul laughed, "Well, yeah, its old money. Max is pretty damn loaded." I nodded, "So do you all have your own room?" Dwayne answered this time, "Yes thank god, we asked for that specifically when we found out we were moving." David leaned down to my ear, "If you want anything don't be afraid to ask. Money really is no object." I nodded again, it was weird having that said to you outside of a movie scene.

     I walked over to the shelves and bins area to find laundry baskets, and laundry hampers. I grabbed one for everyone, well I assumed Michael and star shared a room and that Lucy and max shared as well. I walked back to the cart and threw them on there. David raised an eyebrow, "You can get something fun." I laughed, "Well, laundry needs to be done a certain way and I figured a system with this many people would help out." He shook his head and walked over to Max, they talked about something and then he came back over. Soon everyone was done and Max spent a little bit of extra money to have it all delivered tonight. So, we rushed through the grocery store grabbing food, snacks and household supplies. By the time we got back to the house everything was on the porch. I left the guys to do the unpacking and made sure to have them set up the washer and dryer first. With Lucy's permission, I went to work cleaning that room completely up. She helped of course, and when done she loved the idea I had come up with about the baskets. We called everyone into the laundry room and she let me give the speech, "So you are all old enough to be doing your own damn laundry, but Lucy still wants to do the motherly thing, which is cool. To help her out, here is how this is going to work." I gave them each a basket of a certain color, and then placed a second one of that color on the far counter. "The basket in your hand will be filled with your dirty clothes and brought down on Mondays and Fridays. You will separate each item into the appropriately marked bin lining this wall here: whites, lights, darks, jeans and sheets." Then I pointed to the empty basket. "You will then grab the basket of the same color as the one in your hand and take it back up to your room, since it will have YOUR clean clothes in it. Leave the empty basket in its place." I waited a few minutes, "you all understand?" They nodded and then I walked out of the room, "Good! I'm hungry." I heard laughter and Marko asking Paul, "So like what if I don't know what basket to put it in?" I didn't hear the response but I'm sure it was funny.

    As I grabbed a slice of pizza, Sam called from the living room, "Sage!" I walked that way and saw him setting the TV up, "Will you tell me when it's working?" I nodded and waited for the TV screen to come on, "Its working Sam-o." He shot up and over to the remote and looked for something on. I laughed watching how excited he was. Max brought up some wine from the cellar and poured everyone a glass, calling from the kitchen, "WINE!" I chuckled and watched as everyone took some and then went back to their own thing. I took a glass of water instead, my head still hurting a little from the night before. Max and Lucy were over at the table talking about whether he should open a store or just work at a local company. Marko and Paul had left to go back out to town. Dwayne was reading a book in the living room while Sam was content in watching cartoons. Michael and Star went out back with Laddie so he could run around and play. David sat in the Lazy boy in the living room, drinking his wine and just staring at me. I smiled at him and looked at the time, "Well, I should be getting home. I'm going to try to go and work early tomorrow, to make up a few of the missed hours from today." He stood up and walked with me outside, "Well, it was nice seeing you, Sage." I looked up at him, "Yeah, it was a good night." He smirked lighting a cigarette and leaned up against a porch beam. His eyes gleamed for a second before returning to their natural color.

    The moonlight shone toward us, the woods behind the house looking menacing and then him, casting a large shadow over the wooden floor. I took in a deep breath, "Well, don't stay up to late Mr. sleepy head or you'll sleep the whole day away again." He chuckled softly and kissed my forehead before turning to go back inside, "Sleep well Sage." I nodded as I took off down the stairs, practically running home because it was kind of chilly. As I went inside I heard Paul and Marko coming home. Small paws was curled up on her bed which I picked up and brought upstairs. I lit a fire to warm the house up, it was nice to sit there on my bed and think for a while, slowly falling asleep. Instead of nightmares filling my dreams, I dreamed of David and his laugh.

Thou Shalt Not Kill (The Lost Boys; David x Chubby OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora