The Meeting

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       I had dosed off and on all night, the nightmare replaying every time my eyes closed. The images made it hard to want to sleep at all...blood, demonic faces, fangs, claws but mostly blood. I woke up to the house phone ringing. Realizing I was covered in sweat I wiped my hands on a towel that had been left on the floor after last night's shower and then dashed down stairs to answer the call. "Hello," I said, my voice still a little raspy. It was my therapist, Dr. Greenfield, "Hello, Sage, I was just calling to make sure you weren't too anxious about today?" I blinked several times trying to think of what she could mean. I turned to lean against the counter, my gaze wandering to the window. The leaves were beautiful this time of year, fall was my favorite season. Then it hit me, "You mean about Halloween?" My therapist chuckled softly, "Yes dear. Are you going to be alright? I know you work the late shift..." Her voice trailed off.

      I thought about it for a minute, the bar was bound to be full of crazies and things that would trigger memories but isn't it best to face them, it has been a year. "Dr. Greenfield, thank you for your concern, it really means a lot to me. I think I'll be okay, its only one night, right," I sighed. "Look, I'll call you and let you know if we need to move my next appointment up a few days, okay?" Dr. Greenfield waited a few moments before responding, "Okay, Sage, just make sure to do that if you need too. Have a great day!" After replacing the phone onto the hook, I went to dress for work. I French-braided my hair up one side of my head and left my bangs to fall towards the left, covering some of the scar. The rest of my hair hung loose and wavy, the copper color coming out against the purple and gold shirt I had decided to wear. I sighed in disgust as I noticed the rest of the scar trying to peak through the top of the shirt. I re-adjusted it and finished my make-up. I fed my cat and left.

     The parking lot was already filling up and it wasn't even past 2pm yet, I noticed Amanda arriving at the same time. As we entered the building she glanced at me, "Where is your costume?" I raised an eyebrow, "I don't have one. Why?" She shook her head as we weaved thru the tables and up the stairs to the employee lounge. "We have to dress up for Halloween, it's the one holiday that Trent doesn't budge on, no matter what your beliefs." I pursed my lips, "Well, what do I do...I can't just go out and buy one at this short notice." She looked at me and then she raised a finger as if in triumph, "Oh yeah, there were a few girls your size that worked here a few years ago, they might have left the costumes in the back." She grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me towards the backroom. Inside dust floated thru the air causing me to sneeze. The light switch was just an old pull string on the light fixture itself. I could her here rummaging around as I walked to the opposite side to look as well. I needed this job, I had bills and was still paying off the debt I owed to my parents for helping me move so far away. I tripped over an old box, well a trunk. Amanda squeaked, "You found it!" I grabbed the trunk and lifted it up on the shelf in-front of me. I opened it to find about 5 different costumes, one of which seemed the least slutty so I grabbed it, "I'll try this one on, I guess." She giggled from behind me, "Maybe you'll pull it off better than the girl before." I gave her a go to hell look before walking into the bathroom and changing. I could hear her changing thru the door as well.

    Once I had put the entire costume on I at once felt insecure. The skirt was short so you could see my thighs, my boobs looked enormous (even more so than normal) and I decided whole-heartedly a bee should not be a costume, but it did fit my curves well. "Well!" Amanda said thru the door, "How does it fit?" I opened the door and waited for her response. She stood there with her face hidden behind a cat mask, "Meow!" I laughed, "Well is it as bad as I think?" She shook her head, "Nah, you look great, I think you should wear shirts that fit like that too!" I nodded as we head down stairs, this was the hardest part. I was the only bigger girl here at Spice and the three others were very pretty. I stared at my feet, which now were enclosed in black high-heels, as I walked down into the bar area. Mitch, one of the bartenders whistled at us, "looking good ladies." He was dressed in an old mobster type costume, "Pre-shift drink?" We nodded and sat down at the bar. "I definitely need one, very strong," I said softly. He tilted his head, "What's wrong Sage?" he poured me a whiskey and coke while waiting for my answer. I looked up at him, "Honestly? I this evening might be tougher than I thought." I glanced around at the floor before drinking from my glass. Several people were dressed in costumes and the others were wearing fancy clothes. I finished my drink handing the glass back to Mitch, "Well, time to clock in." It was just a sheet of paper where we wrote our name and what time we started. The evening began to go by quickly as I rushed from table to table delivering food and drinks. Occasionally, I had to put up with sexual innuendos but that came with the territory of drunken fools.

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