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You picked it up and read aloud...

This is what happens when you decide to cause problems. You werewolves have not only decided to take my daughter, but also raise a hybrid within her. This is not to go without notice. The news of this hybrid baby will be spread. As of now while you are reading this note we, the vamps, will be preparing for the Battle of the Last Clans. Get ready were-clan because the vamps are prepared to destroy any and everything last thing associated with your kind. Sincerely your favorite Mr. Kim.

"So it was that bastard," your father said from behind you.

"What are we going to do dad?"

"There is nothing we can do."

"What do you mean nothing we can do?" "He just killed mom!"

"All we can do is fight." "He has initiated a battle." "We have no choice but to fight."

"Y/n is that you," you heard Jennie's voice from down the hall.

"Yes, but stay in our room," you yelled back.

"I can't get out."


You walked down the hallway to your and Jennie's room and the door nob was red hot.

"Are you okay Jennie?"

"Yeah I am fine."

"What about Michu is she alright?"

As if on cue you heard Michu's laugh ring out.

"Yes I would say she is perfect."

"What happened here?" "Why is the door like this?"

"My father decided to take a visit." "Did you find your mother?"

"Yes, but she is..." "She is gone Jennie." "Mr. Kim killed her."

"I am so sorry y/n!"

"Jennie we need to prepare."

"For what?" "What did my father start?"

"The Battle of the Last Clans." "The time has come."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes in the next couple of months I will train to fight alongside my father and the rest of the were-clan." "I just want you to keep yourself and Michu safe." "I love you Jennie."

"Stop saying that like you are going to die."

"You never know what might happen Jennie."

"I know that I can't lose you, so you can't die."

"I love you Jennie."

"I love you too y/n."

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