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"Mom," called out. "MOM," you called through the house.

"What are you yelling for y/n," your dad said walking downstairs.

"I can't find mom." "Have you seen her this morning?"

"No I just woke up." "Well I was woken up by a certain someone yelling throughout the house."

"Sorry, but I can't find mom."

"That is strange."

"You don't remember her getting out of bed this morning?"

"No I do not." "I woke up and she wasn't there." "I assumed she was down here doing something."

"Dad this is strange." "She usually tells us when she leaves and where she is going." "It is not like out of the blue she just disappears."

"You have looked outside too?" "All around the house?"

"I have looked everywhere dad." "I couldn't find her."

"Well let me go get dressed and we will head out to the woods and look for her there."


"Go notify Jennie that we are going to head out to the woods for a couple of hours."


After you told Jennie where you were going and you kissed Michu goodbye you and your father headed into the woods. Seconds, turned into minutes, turned into hours. You and your father had been on a non ending search for hours. And to no avail. You mother was nowhere to be seen.

"Dad we have searched every square inch of the woods." "She isn't here." "We even went near the vamp clans territory."

"I caught her sent near their territory."

"You did?"

"Yes, we need to go back to the house and gather our strongest to retrieve her." "I am sure she was there."

"Okay, what's the whole plan?"

"We demand my wife back or I kill every vampire that sets my sights." "Well except Jennie of coarse." "You will stay at the house with Jennie just in case her father tries to play any tricks."

"Alright let's go."

As you got home your dad went to rally up his strongest. As you were waiting for your father you caught a wiff of your mother's usual scent. As you walked towards your parent's room the smell got stronger.

"Mom are you here," you said knocking on your parent's bedroom door.

You didn't get a response so you slowly opened the door. As you turned on the light you saw the most horrific sight.


A/n: So this is remake of the previous part 12 because I didn't like how I wrote it.

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