Lady of the Lake Part 2

Start from the beginning

Tarzan flipped me over so my back could crash on the couch. It broke into a million pieces before I found myself being lifted up again. He flipped me over so I could land on the floor. Then he picked me up before throwing me against the table. I was about to get up, but Tarzan grabbed my foot and hauled me up.

Philip finally decided to wake up. I heard him yell as he swung his sword across Tarzan's back. Tarzan yelled before he backhanded Philip across the face. With his free hand, it went around Philip's neck. Tarzan roared again before he threw me and Philip out the window.

Our backs collided with the glass, a few shards digging into my skin. I felt something hit my back as my body bounced. I looked down to see a small net that held me and Philip up. Thank, god, we're not dead. There was another roar before we heard the window breaking.

I spoke too soon.

Fairytale World (Present)

"Oh, my god," is the first thing Emma said as we entered her nursery. She walked further into the room. "I recognize this from Henry's book."

The place was filled with dust. Toys were everywhere. I thought it would have been worst since we were gone for 28 years. Come to think of it, if time didn't stand still for us, I would have been 44 by now. Wow. Well, technically, I would have been a lot older if it wasn't for Neverland, too.

Mulan motioned to Aurora. "Come. We'll stand watch at the gate."

I started looking around the room. The dusty bookshelf. The rocking horse that stood off in one corner of the room. Everything pink and white. Definitely a princess room.

"I never thought I'd see this place again," Snow said as she held one of Emma's old bears.

Emma kept looking around. "This room."

"It was your nursery."

A small smile came to my face when I found the little wooden sword. I held it up for Snow to see. "Remember this, lass?"

She nodded as she came closer. Her hand ran over the toy. "The toy I told you she couldn't keep because -"

"She wouldn't need it," we finished.

I chuckled. "Yeah. You didn't want anything violent related in this room."

"That was going to be mine?" Emma asked as she stepped closer to us.

I nodded. "It's not a real sword, but your mother didn't want you to keep it." Then I smirked at Snow. "Guess she needs a real one now." 

Snow looked at the sword sadly as she passed me the toy. "She never even got to spend a night."

I looked between her and Emma. I think this is a touchy moment that should be between them.

I placed my hand on Snow's shoulder. "I'm gonna see if my room is still there."

Snow nodded before I walked out. It wasn't that far since my room was right next to the nursery. My idea, in case something were to happen at night. I would just run in here and attack any intruders.

When I opened the door I was greeted by the dark room. Not dark, dark. Grayish wallpaper. Well, on one side of the wall was nothing but maps. Maps that I've looked through over a hundred times. My hands ran over the paper, a red 'X' on each spot that was a dead end. I've been away from Papa for far too long.

I wonder if he's still looking for me. Did he give up? Did he assume I was dead? Was he even looking for me at all? No, no, he is. I have to believe that he still is. We lost Mama already. I'm his only daughter. Yet, he still has his crew, the Jolly Roger. No, I can't think like that. Papa is looking for me just like I am with him.

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