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This is a story I had written a couple of years ago on Fanfiction. It is for a book series by the late Janet Chapman. If you are interesting in knowing more about the book. They are the Highlander series. The first book in the series is called Charming the Highlander.

The only thing I own in the the original characters and he plot.


The day was like any other Duncan, Robbie, Matt, Kenzie, Jack, William, and Ian where out horseback riding on the mountain. Kenzie was laughing about how Eve was fussing all the time. He was just telling them how Eve had scared William because he had said something that had made her mad. Duncan laughed.

"Well never make a woman mad you are destined to pay for it. Believe me!"

Anything that William was about to say was drowned out. They heard a bear roar off in the distance followed by a woman screaming. They sped up their horses and followed the screams. As they came to a stop they saw a woman who was bloody take a step back from a large bear.

Duncan saw she was very close to the edge. He stood in the saddle and yelled out.


She looked up just when the bear took another swipe at her and to the men's horror she was knocked over the cliff.

They were off their horses and over there quickly yelling and making themselves look bigger to scare off the bear. It worked and the bear ran off.

When they knew it was gone Duncan ran over to the edge and laid down on his stomach and looked over. What he saw made him exhale in relief and terror. The woman was on a ledge not ten feet down but she was unconscious.

He turned back. "Get some rope."

Robbie copied Duncan and looked over the ledge. He saw the woman face down on the ledge.

Robbie looked at Kenzie. "Go get a rope and a blanket."

Kenzie jumped on his horse and road back to Gu Brath. When he got there he ran inside telling Greylen, Grace, Michael, and Libby what had happened. He grabbed everything then jumped back on his horse and ran back.

He came to a skidding halt near the others and tossed the rope to Duncan. Duncan and Robbie draped the rope over a sturdy tree and Duncan tied it around his waist.

"You guys lower me down and I'll wake her up and if I can't I'll Grab her so we can get her out of here."


They lowered Duncan down slowly and he called out when to stop. He reached out and gently turned the woman on her side. Duncan sucked in a deep breathe when he saw the blood on her forehead. She might have a concussion. He looked up and shouted,

"Drop me that small bottle of water."

Robby did and Duncan caught it. He wet his hand and gently patted the girl's face.

"Come on lady wake up. Come on"

There was darkness all around her and Jessica knew no was out of it. She wanted to scream and hide. The last thing she remembered when she was in the light was a large bear attacking her and then the feeling of falling and know she was in the darkness.

Out of the darkness she felt a coolness on her skin and a voice of a god. She fought her way through the pain and darkness. She opened her eyes and saw a god in front of her. She knew she was dead no one would look that handsome.

He smiled when he saw her eyes opened. "I'm Duncan I'm here to help you."

She felt her throat hurt when she said his name. Oh so not dead.

Duncan stuffed the bottle into his pocket and helped her sit up. "What's your name lass?"


"Okay Jessica lets get you off this ledge."

"Ledge?" She looked down and flattened herself against the wall. "I can't..."

"Come on lass."

"No I can't I'm afraid of heights."

"I won't let anything happen to you lass."

"No I can't"

Duncan took her face gently in his hands. "Trust me."

Jess nodded and closed her eyes and flung her arms around Duncan's neck. She heard him yell.

"Okay pull us up."

The others pulled them up and Robbie reached out and helped pull them across. But when Jess went to stand up she felt pain shot through her left ankle and with a whimper she let her knees give way. She turned and laid her on her back her eyes shut against the pain.

Duncan paled when he heard her whimper and saw her fall to the ground. He knelt beside her, Matt and Robbie did the same. Duncan looked her over and noticed no the extent of her injuries. She had marks from the bears claws on her leg her side her shoulder and her neck. Not to mention the wound on her forehead from her fall. He placed a gentle hand on her uninjured shoulder.

"Lass what's wrong. What hurts?"

"My ankle is on fire."

"Which one lass?"

"The left one."

Robbie slowly pulled off her shoe and then her sock. Duncan saw she was trying not to scream. He saw the cords in her neck when she locked her jaw. Her hands tightened.

"Easy lass, their off no more."

They heard her stifle a sob. She kept her eyes closed as she asked through gritted teeth. "How bad is it?"

Robbie told her "Sprain." But as he looked up he gave Duncan a pointed look and mouthed 'broken'.

"We're going to splint it just in case."


Matt grabbed a large thick stick and broke it in half, while Duncan took a knife and cut the rope. He pulled it till the three strains unfurled into three smaller pieces.

Giving them to Robbie they tied the sticks to her ankle.

Robbie looked down at her. "Okay lass we need to get you down off this mountain."

She gave a weak smile. "Good idea."

Duncan laughed then looked at Robbie. "Since you don't have a saddle let me ride Moon and I'll hold her."

"You got it."

Robbie looked down. "Lass I'm gonna pick you up and hand you to Duncan on the horse. Try to keep your ankle as still as possible."


Robbie gently picked her up being sure he was careful with her. Duncan walked ahead and jumped up to mount Moon. He maneuvered Moon to a large rock. Robbie stepped up and gently handed Jess off to Duncan. Kenzie walked up and handed Duncan a blanket which he wrapped around her.


A little for warning if you do not like fast paced stories then this may not be the story for you. This story will be a fast paced.

A Highlander's NightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz