306.Double Trip

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"I'm..." The words barely left John's mouth. He stared at his friend, who was laying under him, staring at him, confused. "Uh... S-sorry.. I'm sorry..."

Sherlock tried sitting up, but it was useless with John on him. He didn't know what to think.

What was weirder, that John had tripped and fallen just in the right way that he knocked Sherlock to the floor and was sitting comfortably on his crotch, or that Sherlock was high, and he really wanted something to happen?

"That's fine.." Sherlock said, staring up at John, who looked so pretty...

Sherlock shook his head and laid his head down, feeling dizzy. John looked around for something to do. He couldn't just get up now. Or could he?

They had fallen in the kitchen, when Sherlock was searching through everything that could open, and John was trying to cook around him. There really wasn't quite big of a space there, they were between the table and the cabinets.

John shifted a little and stared at Sherlock, who looked back up at him, this cute, love struck expression on his face.

John shook his head. No, Sherlock was not cute, and certainly not love struck.

Well, maybe he was a little cute....

Maybe he did look a tiny bit absolutely and totally in love with John...

John got off the floor, knowing it would be wrong if he touched Sherlock in any way while he was high.

He helped up the detective, who smiled adorably, staring at John.

Now they were both going through a trip, tonight.

Sherlock took John's hand and pouted. John looked at him, so confused. He didn't know what to do.

Sherlock moved closer and leant up, kissing John's lips. John couldn't help but kiss back.

They kissed for a few minutes, until John's hands were on Sherlock's waist, and Sherlock's hands were shoved under John's shirt.

John shivered, pulling Sherlock closer. Sherlock moved closer on his own, pressing their bodies together and kissing John's lips.

They kissed for long time, until John was out of breath and Sherlock felt dizzy.

The detective stepped away, smiled at John, and stumbled into the living room. John watched him, then went back to cooking, completely distracted.

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