320.Gold Cat

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Sherlock walked inside the store, glancing around. He had only come back to Chinatown for one thing. It was Christmas soon, and he wanted to give John something.

After the Black Lotus case, Sherlock had completely forgotten about this, but last night, he remembered, and he thought it would be funny to buy a gold cat for John.

"Hello," Said the woman behind the counter. "Want a gold cat? Ten pounds! Ten pounds!"

Sherlock walked up to the front desk, taking a cat and inspecting it. "Yeah, I'll buy it."

"Your wife will like," She said, ringing it up and taking the quid from Sherlock, then putting it in a bag.

"Not a wife exactly, no," Sherlock took the bag. He smiled. "Thank you, Ma'am."

She nodded. Sherlock turned and walked out, going back to the flat. He put it up on the mantle and disposed of the bag.

John hadn't been in the room, but as Sherlock was turning the cat and trying to find the right angle, he walked in.

"What's that?" John asked. Sherlock looked over calmly.

"A gold cat." Sherlock said. He smiled softly. John was in a bathrobe and his hair was all wet and messy. He looked adorable.

"Neat. Get that for your wife?" John asked, sitting down on his chair and picking up the newspaper.

Sherlock chuckled. "Close enough, I suppose." He frowned softly, because it was for John, and John would never understand that. "I'll go make us some tea." Sherlock said, walking to the door to hang up his coat and scarf, and take off his gloves, then went to the kitchen and made them some tea. He walked over to John and handed him a cup. John smiled at him.

"Thank you." He said. Sherlock nodded, sitting down and sipping the tea.

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