» [16] The Guy Fancies You «

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A/N: quite a special character in this chapter. he'll be showing up in a few other chapters as well. :) enjoy xo

october 21:

"Don't touch me," I squirmed away from Zayn's grasp, still pissed about this entire situation.

A chuckle escaped from his lips as he slid his arm off of my shoulder, his tattooed hand taking the key out from the hole, the car shaking slightly as the engine turned off. "Still not happy?"

"Of course not," I crossed my arms and looked hazily out the window, staring at all the cars parked beside the vehicle I was currently forced to be in, briefly glancing at the three story ordinary looking hotel he had stopped in front of.

"You got at least two hours of sleep, lighten up," I heard him unbuckle the belt that laid over his body.

My eyes widened and I nearly punched him. "T-two hours?! What the hell?!" Two freaking hours? Did he drive me all the way to Wyoming or something?

"That's what I said," I turned my attention towards him once more the same time he turned his back to me, and the thought of punching his wound crossed my mind but wasn't enough to actually make me do such a thing, "I'm going to check us in. Don't try and run, by the way," there was a hint of sarcasm in his tone, as if he believed I would stay in the car.

"Thanks for giving me the idea."

"You can try, but you won't get very far. Trust me," that chuckle of his that usually made me smile escaped his lips again as he stepped out of the car, shutting the door behind him.

I observed him quietly as he made his way towards the front doors. He had this certain strut to his walk; not like a girly strut but he walked moving his shoulders and basically his torso in this somewhat confident form. Every now and then he'd glance to the side and then down to the floor and back up to look ahead of him, and as he grasped hold of the door handle and turned the steel object, he snuck a glance at me over his shoulder before walking inside. His figure became a silhouette and soon disappeared the further he walked in.

Instantly I unbuckled myself and placed my hand on the door handle and pulled it towards me, pushing the door open as I did so.

But it wouldn't budge.

I frowned and repeated the process about four times when I realized the door wouldn't open, like at all, and it was then when I just began yanking the door handle over and over again in hopes that I would break it because my patience had literally just sailed over the edge.

I was so done and the fact that I was at least two hours from the campus and had absolutely not a thing to use to communicate with my friends and my boyfriend just completely ticked me off. I was half awake and I felt like I was being held for ransom, or better, taken hostage because I was literally stuck in this small humid car.

I cursed Zayn's name and climbed to the back, falling on my face for I tried to do it quickly not wanting Zayn to see me trying to escape. On both doors I yanked the door handle and attempted to push them open but neither would move a centimeter.

"What the hell is this shit?" I mumbled to myself, climbing back into the front and setting my bum down on the passenger seat, feeling defeated and even more agitated than before.

My gaze landed upon the glove drawer and I tried to open it but just like the other doors in this car, it wouldn't move. It was like every possible thing in this car that had the ability to open couldn't.

I closed my eyes and leaned my back into the seat, groaning loudly and nearly jumped when the door was opened. My lids flew open instantly and I looked to my right, seeing Zayn's hand extended out towards me. I stared at it, rather surprised that he had such manners but remembered that I was still mad at him so I moved it away and climbed out on my own.

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