» [9] Indirects «

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A/N: just want to apologize for the slow updates. promise the next few chapters will be udpated quicker, and if not, weekly. please play that youtube video while reading this chapter. enjoy! :) xo

october 2:

"Maci--are you--" Tristan came running to my aid as I hobbled away from Zayn, who continued to stand in the same position, watching me carefully.

"Yeah, just leave me be for a second--"

Tristan's eyebrows furrowed together. "Did you--are you smoking?"

Damn it.

I put my hands up in front of me as if he was going to pounce at me any second, and coughed lightly. "No--"

"Then why the hell do you smell like cigarette smoke?" He was furious; his face had flushed to a red color.

"It's not what you think--"

"What I think?" He asked, his voice suddenly raised to a higher tone.

"Yeah, why are you so pissed off?"

"Because my own girlfriend is smoking something without my--"

"Without what? Your damn permission?"

"No! It's just--you're smoking, Maci--"

And I cut him off once again, except this time it made him shut up. "Let me fucking explain!"

His mouth hung open and I knew he wanted to make a remark, but he stayed quiet and crossed his arms, staring down at me with an impatient expression. I sighed and honestly, I loved Tristan and all, but sometimes I wanted to wring his neck, though I was sure he had similar thoughts of me when we got into situations like these..

"I wasn't smoking--I couldn't even; I didn't inhale it right or something." I used this time to sneak a glance at Zayn who was still standing by the park bench, his fingers barely grazing the cigarette in his mouth.

"What made you want to try it in the first place?"

I rolled my eyes. "Does it really matter?"

"Yes. Yes because the girlfriend I had--er that I knew, would never, never in her life try something like that."

I scowled. "Try, Tristan. Try. I said I only tried it--"

"Who gave you the cigarette anyways?"

I couldn't even reply to his comment for he turned around and just from looking at his back I could tell he and Zayn had made eye contact.


"Tristan." I grabbed onto his arm and he looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Let me go--"

"It's not worth it--"

"He's right, you know."

Both Tristan and I froze and horror crossed my face when Zayn took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew the smoke to the side, walking towards us.

Oh no, no no no no no please stop--

"Let him go. Besides, what's the worst he could do to me?"

Oh Zayn, you have no idea.

Tristan yanked his arm from my grip and I nearly stumbled trying to stop him as he angrily raged towards Zayn, his right hand curling into a fist. "Tristan--!" I screamed as I saw his arm in the air when he was within close distance of Zayn, and immediately shut my eyes as he began to swing it towards Zayn's direction.

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