» [4] Fire «

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september 8:

I hadn't told anyone about Zayn, nor was I planning to. I mean, what was there to tell? Honestly.

But it wasn't long until my friends had noticed something wrong with me.

"Dude, what the hell's up with you?" Gina elbowed me softly in the forearm.

I shrugged, biting the pen in my mouth than usual. I had a habit of like nibbling on something when I was stressed out or pissed or just thinking. "Nothing."

"Nothing my ass." Mel answered.

What if he's depressed?

"Is it something between you and Tristan?"

I stared at Gina with wide eyes. "No, why would you say that?"

"Because, surprisingly not, he's worried about you too."

I took the pen out of my mouth and grabbed my notebook, shoving both things into my bag. "Why are you guys so worried?"

"Are you like home sick?"

"Are you serious Mel?"

She nodded.

And I replied. "No--"

"Don't tell me--us it's nothing, because it's obviously something."

"Are you cheating on him?"

What the hell?!

"On Tristan? Of course not!"

They looked at me with non-convinced eyes. "I'd never do such a thing. I'm fine--"

"Maybe we need to take you to a counselor or something--"

"Maybe you guys should drop the subject, yeah?" I gave them a fake smile and heaved myself off the ground. And then I walked off.

september 9:

I gripped the coffee in my hand hard, staring at the brick building that held my first class of the day.


My pace slowed down, and I wondered if it was worth skipping the class and just going back to my dorm or not.

Zayn Malik was in there.

And I hadn't seen him since thursday. Half of me didn't want to see him, and the other half did. Mainly because he completely flipped out on me that night. Maybe I should avoid him? But that wouldn't do me any good, because one, it'd be pleasing him, and two, I can't have that. Don't ask me why, I just can't.

"For fucks sake Maci." I mumbled to myself, walking into the building.

A few days ago I was willing to do anything to figure out why Zayn was so mad at me. Why he had that ball of hatred for me inside of him. Why he wouldn't just fucking tell me why? Maybe I should just leave him be. Shit, I really really don't want to. Fuck. Everything about him just screams interest at me.

I want to get to know him. I want to be his friend. I want him to finally be comfortable talking to me about anything.

I walked into class and the professor, Mr Brown, was already talking but his back was turned to the students. I stepped in quietly and didn't even dare to look at anyone, not even Zayn.


"Don't bring coffee in here again, Maci." Mr. Brown said to me.

I nodded and smiled, tossing the cup into the trash can, when in my head I was questioning why he even told me that because he brought a damn coffee every morning? 

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