» [24] Complicated «

383 15 4

october 23


There were two men who sat up front both wearing dark suites; one being the driver and the other who just seemed to be a passenger with his head turned to the window. The leather interior of the Tesla gave off the smell of a newer vehicle and I took a long inhale, wincing as my chest rose and the skin on my back stretched a little.

Johnny entered the vehicle on the other side just shortly after I did and after shutting the car door behind him, I observed him nodding out of the window when the Cadillac Maci was in took off at a very fast speed. The driver sat in his seat for a good second or two before turning the vehicle around and taking off in the other direction.

"What is this mate? Gonna whip me some more?" I asked, keeping my eyes at the vehicle Maci was in before it disappeared around the block.
"No," Johnny replied almost quite instantly, and when he could no longer see the other vehicle he seemed to relax into the leather seat. I turned my attention to him quickly, trying to make sure he wasn't about to knock me out or do something out of the ordinary.
"Then what? Why am I sitting in here with you, out of all the people, and why is Maci in a different car?"
Johnny took this moment to breathe in deeply and shut his eyes momentarily before opening them back up and staring at me, seeming to be more relaxed and calm than earlier. I wanted to pipe up and ask him what he had to worry about, being the ultimate chief of a crew who dealt heavily with drugs back in the states, but he opened his mouth before I could say anything.
"I'm not going to hurt her, you know."
I raised my eyebrow at his statement and wanted to believe him, but a man like Johnny could make any decision he wanted without having to worry about the consequences, and could have it accomplished in a short matter of time. "You sliced her neck open in front of me," I sneered.
He shook his head, trying to look apologetic. "Yeah, but given the circumstances--"
"I know I told her she was going to be alright but you can't blame me for worrying, I mean, given the circumstances and all," I mocked.
"You had a gun pointed at my head."
I let out a breath and stared back out the window of the vehicle before nodding my head. "If you hurt her again, I'll kill you."
"That's what you said last time."
I glared at him now, squeezing my left hand into a fist. "Shut the hell up before I smash your face in."
"Watch it Zayn," Johnny eyed one of the men sitting up front and I followed his gaze, only to meet the end of a pistol being held by one of them.
"After you watch your mouth, mate. I'm not afraid to die, you should know that by now."

Johnny sort of frowned at what I had said before he gave a brief nod to the man who held the gun. The firearm disappeared and he seemed to readjust himself in his seat before folding his hands and placing them on his lap. The entire time I observed him, wondering what the hell he wanted.
"How's your wound?"
I raised my eyebrow, almost laughing. "What?"
"You know, your--" he did this thing with his index finger where he waved it around in the air, as if he wasn't able to narrow down what the actual word was, "your cuts. Your injuries."
"Well I'm not dead, am I?"
"That's not what I meant Zayn."
"Obviously it is. I mean, what do you think Johnny? You're the one who whipped my ass in the first place," I spat out, quite angry even though the incident occurred almost a week ago.
He held his head back as the driver made a left turn. "I was genuinely trying to be nice and you have to throw it in my face like I committed a crime."
A little bit confused yet not even surprised he could say something like that, he looked me in the eyes again and I wanted to choke him right there. "Oh yeah, tying me up to a wall and whipping my back at least three times just because I told you I was done with you and your whole drug cartel thing; definitely not a crime. I mean, I guess if I was you, then it would be considered okay to take my girl--" I caught myself there because I wasn't trying to put labels on anything in our relationship yet, "Maci in the middle of the fucking forest, put a knife up to her neck and threaten me by slicing her neck open right there. It's like, 'hey, I know Zayn doesn't give an arse about his life, nor Derek's for that matter, but wait a second. This girl Maci? Let's try it,'." I paused to take a deep breath in, biting my tongue and repeating to myself that punching his face in was not worth it before I continued. "Johnny, you beat the shit out of Derek who at the time was literally my partner in crime and my best friend. Then you go after Maci? Hell, don't even make me bring up the times I've seen you force yourself on millions of girls, and when you killed--"
"Okay, okay, I get it. You done?"
I could feel my face getting hot before I breathed deeply, searching my pockets for a cigarette when I realized I had forgotten to take a pack with me earlier. "Yeah. What do you want? I'd rather not pretend to be friends with you."
"Well, before I say anything, I just want to say I'm sorry, no matter how stupid it sounds--"
"Get on with it, will you?" I interrupted him.

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