» [10] Love Bites «

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october 11:

I finally forced myself back into class without getting 'permission' from the school board like I was told to from both Mr. Brown, as well as Mel and Gina.

So here I sat, in this uncomfortable wooden seat as students made their way in quietly. It was early and frost had finally made its appearance on the green grass outside, though it would soon be gone before the sun reached its peak.

I was dreading it. Dreading seeing him, seeing Zayn, the guy who freaking--

No, I firmly told myself, closing my eyes and shaking my head. I didn't want to think about that, I didn't want to think about Zayn period--

God, the thought of him absolutely disgusted me. I couldn't believe he didn't tell me, didn't even give me small hints that he was involved in the stupid robbery that sure scarred Alex for life, and nearly gave me a heart attack -- god, how was I so stupid?

The first time I met him. He wore that stupid leather jacket that he probably had on whilst walking into the general store that one night and it was my fault; I should've looked at him, at the second man that walked into the store but instead I cowered and let them take the money -- and just, why?

I squeezed my fist as Derek appeared in my head, and the way he slurred, 'mate' made me shudder in my seat. What's even more ridiculous is I had looked directly at him, at Derek, in the eye and yet I couldn't even make a connection to the guy that nearly shot me that one night?

Nearly shot me.

"For the record, I'd never shoot a pretty thing like you. I'd take advantage of you, and then kill you, babe."

I couldn't even pick up the deep tone of his voice?

I wanted to punch myself. I wanted to curse out loud, just scream obscenity in this classroom. I was so absolutely naive and couldn't believe I was so obsessed with trying to learn about Zayn's past, when he was the one who helped Derek -- damn it all.

But there was one thing that hadn't occurred yet, not until I made the call.

Though this happened about a month ago, the police had stopped the search a week later because they literally couldn't find any suspects. Basically, Zayn and Derek hadn't been caught yet and I was sure the police had forgotten about this robbery, but I sure as hell didn't.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it when a shadow emerged in front of me, blocking the lights from above.

"Nice to see you, ehm, back in class." His voice was soft and gentle, and the need to look into his hazel eyes was so great that I had to shuffle around in my seat to prevent myself from doing so.

"Thanks." I mumbled back, sounding uninterested in talking to him.

He sort of stood there whilst I stared at the screen of my phone, when moments later his feet dragged to a seat next to mine. He let his backpack slide off his shoulder and fall limp to the floor before he sat down.

I scrolled to the number pad on my phone and desperately wanted to dial nine one one and reveal that I had found the two robbers of that store, but I had this distinct feeling of someone's caramel colored eyes boring into me, watching my every move. I gulped and locked my phone, sliding it into my pocket when the professor began his lesson.

october 14:

I couldn't bring myself to do it; I couldn't confess to the police that I knew of the two robbers, because mainly what evidence did I have to prove?

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