» [11] Until the Clock Strikes Ten «

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A/N: okay, so you can play two music videos for this chapter (or none if you'd prefer). but I provided one which will be placed down in the side that I feel fits the mood of the actual masquerade ball, but you can also play Sweet Disposition by the Temper Trap, which I provided for the chapter before this and would've put down for this chapter as well but I don't really like repeating music videos because I think its more exciting to listen to a different one every time that still (hopefully) fits the story. but anyways, I listened to Sweet Disposition while writing this whole chapter. but its up to you. enjoy xo

october 18:

Right, so it was Friday, and at exactly nine o'clock this morning, I attended class like I normally do. And guess what? The guy didn't show up. Again. And it irked me to the point where I was actually stabbing the point of my pencil into a piece of notebook paper. Zayn is literally on my mind twenty four seven without even having intention of thinking about him. Like, I could be staring at Mr. Brown's coffee cup and then suddenly the thought of Zayn spilling his coffee onto my shirt would appear in my head, followed by the little intimate action he performed shortly afterwards. It was a bit pathetic, if you looked at it in a way. Constantly thinking of a guy who hated your guts? Sad, isn't it?

Surprisingly, I hadn't thought about Zayn except for this morning and just now when I was thinking about thinking of him, for something worse had distracted me from enabing to think about him, much less anyone else. I was sitting in Gina's car and had stared at this invitation for at least ten minutes now. I undressed the envelope once more, flipping the flap upwards and slowly taking out the letter, opening it to reveal the fancy bold letters that made up my invitation.

Dearest Maci,

You have been invited to the Black Masquerade Ball on Friday, October 18. The dance will be held at the Botanic Garden at 9pm.

We are especially looking forward to seeing you there.

"Guys, where's the Botanic Garden?" I asked, my eyes examining the dark red letters that traced out the the words.

"It's out in the country. Just a few miles off the city." Gina replied, taking a right.

Crease lines formed atop the skin of my forehead as I shut the letter for the hundredth time and tucked it away in my purse, staring out the passenger window of Gina's car. Mel sat in the back, munching on a bag of potato chips. The three of us were going out to get our dresses, and there was a particular dress shop just a few miles from the campus that supposedly sold elegant black gowns, and yes, it was like a last minute thing.

"Do they sell masks too?" Mel asked.

"Yeah, they should." Gina responded.

I sighed and was completely against this whole thing and figured I could just ditch the dance itself, but I found it rather strange that Derek himself invited both Mel and Gina. "If not, there should be a place close by."

12:15 pm

"How about this one?"

I nearly choked as Mel walked out of the dressing room, and Gina laughed seconds later.

"Mel, it looks like you got eaten by a garbage bag." I said, glancing at her quickly before turning my attention back to my hair, twisting the ends once more.

She frowned. "I think it looks good."

"Only because it shows your boobs, like a lot. Pick another one."

Mel groaned and rolled her eyes, shuffling back into the room. "Gina it's your turn. I think I'm sticking with the first one anyways."

12:47 pm

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