» [21] Nice Try «

308 14 1

october 23:

4:00 pm 


Derek had pulled up to a ginormous almost epic looking castle like architecture built on top of what seemed to be a hill and I was completely mind boggled just staring at it. I put my sunglasses back on and wondered what the hell Maci was doing in this place.

"It's where they host fancy ass parties mostly related to government issues and such," Derek himself had even stopped to take it in slowly for he stood by my side as I stepped out of his black vehicle.
"Who's they?"
"People of Colombia," he gave me a quick glance and then went on to fix my collar resulting in my fist almost making contact with his face. "Chill out man, I'm not the enemy here," he smirked shortly after brushing down the shirt he was wearing.
"You really expect me to find Maci in this giant ass place? It looks like its supposed to be part of a a museum man. There's no way this place hosts parties without it falling to pieces."
"Oh trust me, you'd be surprised."
I raised my eyebrow at this guy, actually startled at how much he'd known about this place and was almost certain he had done his research before coming all the way out here. "You might as well be a tour guide; I mean you drove me all the way out here without taking a glance at your phone one time, except to look up the address."
He chuckled a little and looked around us quickly before facing me. "This place actually has quite the history to it. It's called the Castillo San Felipe de Barajas. It was built on top of a hill decades and decades ago man, I'm talking all the way back to the fifteen hundreds, for a key reason into dominating those who came and tried to take it down."

I shook my head, running my finger against my jawline before crossing my arms. "You continue to surprise me mate."
"That's my job, remember?"
I glanced at him, not really knowing how to react to his comment. "Touche."
"I mean, from kicking you out of our dorm room to helping you and Maci get to that hotel, then getting my ass over here as quick as possible without even telling you; I think that's pretty great--so great that personally I think I deserve a reward."
I scoffed at him, chuckling to myself. "Don't talk like that to me mate, you're starting to sound like Harry."
He understood completely and laughed along with me, "I'm not asking for a blowjob."
My eyes grew wide and he just shook his head. "Now I wasn't even steering towards that direction but you just let your imagination do its thing," I patted him on the shoulder and put my sunglasses back on, taking a step towards this gigantic memorial building of sorts, following tourists and people dressed in a somewhat fancy manner.
"Hey listen, I'll stay out here and let you know if I see anything suspicious. I've got your back man." Derek commented, his voice rising even though I wasn't even that far away yet.
I turned around to catch a glimpse of him giving me a friendly grin, finding it odd because truth be told I had never seen him so upbeat and whatnot in a short matter of time. "Appreciate it."

With my hands in my pockets and my gaze veering from the left to the right I observed over what seemed to be at least ten people every minute. Here and there were crowds of tourists taking pictures with these large black statutes on top of pedestals holding rifles that seemed to be at least six feet in length. And there were those couples who had random people take their pictures in front of these colossal looking cannons that probably still worked to this day if attempted so. Then there were the slim and curvy women who wore dresses that hugged their curves yet flowed in the breeze so effortlessly at the same time, walking alongside whom I assumed was their dates; men dressed in flashy suits of all colors. One even wore a multicolored plaid suit and I almost gagged at the sight of the ugly thing.

But regardless of all these beings around me, I did take my time contemplating and distinguishing all of the details I could of the place and wondered how in the hell Johnny had found this place out of all the tourist attractions, much less get into what he and Derek had stated was a party. Like, I didn't even know about this?

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