chapter 21 - There's Something About Octavia

Start from the beginning

Hess: (voice over from 12.17 The British Invasion) "The grand experiment recruiting American hunters has failed, utterly."

From 12.17 "The British Invasion", in her cell, Octavia looked at Hess. "I still don't know what you want me to do about that."

Hess smirked sarcastically. "I want you to exterminate them. Every. last. one."

From 12.20 "Twigs & Twine & Brandon's Time", in the library of the Bunker, Sam looked at Dean, Ness, Amara and Catty. "Sabrina, Ariel and Faith are setting up a safe house for Cas and Levi to protect Kelly until we figure out how to help her and the kids. But Brandon's out there trying to be on the lookout for Ava, like we are."

From 12.20 "Twigs & Twine & Brandon's Time", in the motel room, Brandon was on the phone with Ketch, uncovering Mick's voicemail. "You mind telling me what the hell happened to my father, Ketch?"

"I believe you already know the answer to that, Brandon," Ketch told him.

"Of course I do," Brandon answered, completely angry and despaired. "And believe me when I say that I'm going to make you pay. Amara once promised me that if our men ever hurt anyone else again for the wrong reasons, that she and her family would burn this organization to the ground. Since I know now that you're behind the death of my father, I'm going to help them bring all of you down to your own. See you soon."

From 12.20 "Twigs & Twine & Brandon's Time", in Octavia's cell, Octavia glared at the Brit that was casting the spell over her. "When I get free of here, you're the first person that I'll kill." She looked at Ketch. "I would love to kill you myself, but I'm thinking it'd be more poetic if Brandon killed you." Toni walked in, smirking. Octavia glared at her angrily in recognition. "You."

Toni smirked. "Me." She sat in front of Octavia, uncapping her pen, opening her notebook of spellwork. "Now, Octavia. Let's begin again. You're close to a breaking point. I believe that we'll reach our destination soon."



Day One

Night - Woods

Eileen Leahy was running for her life through the woods. A Hellhound was fast on her trail, chasing her through the woods, barking and growling viciously. Eileen stopped running, turning to fire her gun at where she thought the Hellhound was. The Hellhound tackled Eileen down, starting to tear her apart, making her scream in agony.

Ketch blew a high-pitched whistle to end the attack after Eileen was dead. "Good puppy."

Ketch fed a treat to the Hellhound, walking toward Eileen's body.

§ Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) §

Day Two

Morning - The Bunker - Library

Mary had come to talk to Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness and Amara. "Wait, so what's happening?"

"Sabrina, Ariel, Faith, Cas and Levi are looking out for Kelly and her kids," Sam answered. "While Brandon, Sow, Ariel and Faith are still looking for Ava."

"Yeah, and they've also been using their power to hide Brandon from the BMOL," Amara added. "Brandon said that he found a problem and he didn't call back after that."

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