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We walk through my dorm door and I flop onto the bed.
"Hey Mal." I turn my head and see her looking around at the split decorated sides of the dorms.
"What do ya need?" She turns examining a skull pencil holder on my desk.
"Can you erase my memory of everything that happened at Auradon and send me back to the Isle?" Tears start to run down my cheeks.
"No, of corse not. And anyway I don't have my spell book anymore. It is in the museum." She says sitting on the bed and giving me a hug.
"If your memory was erased you wouldn't remember your first kiss." Dizzy says poking my shoulder and smiling.
"Wow was I your first kiss?" Carlos laughs. I smile and look at Dizzy.
"Yes, and why dose it matter?" I smile. I look down and start to feel better.
"Because then I would be the only one to kiss your precious lips." He comes over and sits on my bed. He turns to me and presses his soft lips onto mine. The kiss lasted a few seconds. A few whoots come from my friends.
"Well that was fun." I smile wider.
"Well not as fun as......."
"Hey how would you know?" Evie slaps Jay on the arm. Everyone looks at Jay curiously.
"Oh ok I will tell you." Jay sighs and stands up.
"Who was it with?" I lean forward wondering where this conversation will go.
"Lonnie of corse." Jay rolls his eyes.
"When?" Ben joins in with the conversation.
"Cotillion night was the first." Jay sits down expecting the conversation to be over.
"Wait first." Evie blurts out. We all laugh and there is a knock at the door.
"I'll get it." I stand up and walk to my door. I open the door and Lonnie is standing there with a stack of books in her hand.
"Jay, your fuck buddy is here." I yell. Lonnie laughs and enters the room.
"What did you tell them?" Lonnie says and sits on Jay's lap.
"About us." Jay smiles.
"Don't worry there weren't any details. Just when it happened." Mal re-assures Lonnie.
"Well I am here to walk you all to class because I saw what happened and I ain't gonna let anyone get you." Lonnie smiles at me.
"Thanks but I gotta get to the change rooms to get ready for fencing and I'd think that no one would mess with me when I have a sword." I get up and grab my dance / sport bag.
"Cool well I have too fencing with you so I can watch your back in the change rooms." Lonnie taps my back.
"Well the bell is gonna ring in ten minutes so let's all get to our classes." Ben opens the door.

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