Crybaby kisses

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"Chelsea wait!" Carlos calls out as I run out of the gym. I run to the courtyard and climb my tree. I climb as high as I can and sit in the last branch. I curl up into a ball and cry. I want to disappear from this world and rid everyone from my existence.
"Ugh your such a crybaby." The voice in my head hissed at me. "Crybaby, crybaby,crybaby." It continued.
"Enough!" I screamed. Everything was silent. I burst into more tears.
"You seem to replace
Your brain with your heart
You take things so hard
And then you fall apart
You try to explain
But before you can start
Those cry baby tears
Come out of the dark
Someone's turning the handle
To that faucet in your eyes
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see
Your heart's too big for your body
It's why you won't fit inside
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see
They call you cry baby, cry baby
But you don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
So you laugh through your tears
Cry baby, cry baby
'Cause you don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
You just let them drop
You just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby." The voice sang. Then I hear a twig snap and I whip my head around. I look Dow;and see Carlos trying to climb up the tree. He is only half way up and he keeps on slipping.
"What do you want?" I ask sniffing back tears.
"I want to talk to you." He says finally reaching the top branch.
"What is there to talk about?" I say looking at my hands.
"Well I did nearly kiss you and you are crying and I think I need to help you when you are crying." He says turning my head to look into his eyes.
"Why do you care about me?" I say looking at his slightly tinged pink lips.
"Because I like you and I have for years." He smiles.
"You really like me?" I whisper nearly crying again.
"Who wouldn't. You are smart, funny and you have been my best friend for as long as we can remember." He holds my face. His freckles are scattered along his cheeks and nose. I remember one we got a red pen and decided to connect the dots when we were little. He leans in and kisses me. I close my eyes not knowing what to do. I kiss back a little. His lips are soft and he finally pulls away.
"So what do you want to do now?" I say blushing and looking down at my hands again.
"How about we play around in the media room?" He says pointing to the room across from where we are sitting.
"Sure, race you." I lightly push him and run to the room.
"Aww no fair!" He jumps don from the tree and follows me.

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