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Chelsea's POV
As soon as the door opens Dizzy runs out squealing in excitement hugging everyone she can see. I don't know what to do. I wanted to see my friends and the closest thing to family I can get but I can't move. I feel like I am fading into nothingness. I look down. I can't believe my eyes. I am actually turning invisible. Even my clothes can't be seen. I get a mischievous idea. I sneak out of the limo and float above King Ben's head. Wow levitation as well. Thanks Dad. I carefully take his crown off. I can't believe no one is noticing this. I want to laugh as loud as I can but I might blow m6 cover. I float over to Carlos still invisible. I re-appear behind him and place the crown on my head. "Boo!" I yell. He jumps in fear I laugh my fathers signature laugh. The VK's and Dizzy are laughing as well but no one else is. Everyone else just stares at me. I think they want me to apologise but I can't tell. I pull Carlos into a giant bear hug. He dosen5 pull away.
"Um.... What are you doing?" A girl says. We both pull away. I somehow fell better that I can with him now.
"Jane, this is my best friend Chelsea." Carlos says while putting her arm around her.
"Oh, your that orphan girl," Jane says fake smiling me. I don't know why she is doing that. Back on the Isle you just said it right to her face. Am I really known as orphan girl here. Like I know that I don't have any parent but the least I would be liked to be called foster kid. I turn away from her and start to greet the others.
"MAL!" I squeal while hugging her as tight as I can.
"Wow good to see you too," she says while hugging me to. I run over to Evie and hug her too.
"Your hair looks amazing," she says. I flick my hair and do this weird handshake like this. We call it the International Handshake of Girls.

"Hey tumble buddy!" I smile at Jay.
"Seriously you didn't use anyone else's nickname," he laughs.
"Really what are the nicknames?" Ben asks. I am supposed that the son of the beast that destroyed an entire land could be so nice. It must come from Belle.
"Well Evie's nickname is Princess Peaches because she is a princess and she use to always wear this weird smelling peach perfume. Jay's nickname was tumble buddy because he dose acrobatics and can do backflips and that stuff with me. Carlos' nickname was spot just because ...... well he started calling himself that because I couldn't think of anything else. Mal's nickname was M mainly because anything else I called her would sound stupid or either used against her thanks to Uma." I explain.
"Oh yeah, I have only had one bad situation with Uma and I never want to see her again," Ben laughs. "So what do you want to do here?" He says in a more serious tone.
"Well I want to follow in Evie's footsteps and be just like her," Dizzy says. Evie gasps in joy and hugs her.
"I don't really know. I am good at a few thing like sword fighting , Turney , dance and all of that stuff but I think I would just mainly do photography." I say.
"Sword fighting and Turney really...... well trials are in two days and I hope to be seeing you there. With the creative arts stuff we have a musical and drama club. If you want to do photography we don't have a club for that but you can do stuff for the newspaper or something." Ben explains. Wow I can't believe there are actually that many things to do here. This is really the Land of Opportunity.
"Yeah Chelsea is really good at R.O.A.R and Turney," Carlos says. "She even takes on Harry and almost cut his face off," he laughs. Jane stares at me and Carlos I am starting to feel sick. Not because of her but because I haven't eaten in a while. Well proper food. Now I don't know what proper food is here because the stuff here isn't mouldy but I could get use to eating that delicious candy.
"Hey can we get something to eat?" I ask.
"Of corse," Ben says leading us through the beautiful garden.

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