Granny Tsunade

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Third Person
Couple of months had pasted. The akatsuki had made an appearance. The two duo, Itachi and Kisame, made a lot more trouble than they thought. The once peaceful village, Konoha, was in chaos, there still wasn't a leader, a symbol of Will of Fire, a Hokage for this Village . Jiraiya passed the offer, Orochimaru was the one who killed the Recent Hokage, the only one who could take the offer is Lady Tsunade.

"Say Naruto, would you like to help me find da beautiful women and the next Hokage?" Jiraiya asked.

"Hmm, if training is involved, then yes! Let's go Pervy Sage!" Naruto's eyes sparkled.

Y/n was still in the hospital, she was doing a lot worse. Her breathing and heart rate were dropping little by little. She'll die at this rate. Kakashi would visit her pale and weak body, making sure she got better, but turns out y/n was getting worse. He walked out and just took a long walk. To clear off his mind. He spotted Kurenai, Asuma, and Guy near a bridge. Something didn't feel right, Kakashi thought. Suddenly two men appeared. A leaf shinobi and a mist shinobi... itachi uchiha and Kisame.

A fight was caused. The four vs two of the akatsuki members.
"Don't look into his eyes!" Kakashi and asuma explained.
Kurenai used genjutsu, but oh! How the tables had turned. Asuma was defeated, Kakashi was stuck in Itachi's spooky genjutsu, and Guy was fighting Kisame.

"Don't underestimate him Kisame, let's leave!" They left. "Looks like the jinchuuariki isn't here after all."

Now half of the gang is at the hospital along side with y/n. Imagine that. The only one who can can save both Kakashi and Y/n out of their misery is Lady Tsunade.

>>>>few days pasted<<<<<

Tsunade's POV
"Alright! Give me these supplies and hurry! Shizune get me something to drink, it's going to be a long surgery to save her..." I ordered. Thank goodness I came in time before she died. It was a really close one.
"Lady Tsunade, What about Kakashi," Shizune spoke while putting some alcohol into the cup. I chuckled.
"He can wait, ladies first as they always say..."

First Person
"Come on or we'll lose her!" I heard a voice from the outside. It sounded a little faded but clear. Both of my parents were glowing. They smiled warmly and hugged me one more time.

"Your time isn't up yet! You still have more chances to improve your life and get to your dream!" Father spoke and patted my head. I nodded and teared.

"Yeah! So show 'em What you got y'know! Make the Uzumaki and Namikaze family proud of what you've done." We fist bumped and hugged.

"Most importantly, enjoy your time back there! We love you so much y/n, don't forget that!" They both said the i love you part together.

"I don't want to leave, I missed you so much and I just wanted to catch up with the others..." I choked. Mom hugged me again.

"I love you so much," she disappeared. My dad wiped my tears, I looked up and smiled at him greatly.

"Take care y/n, I love you so much..." he started to disappear. The light was raising up and up. Its getting really bright, I can't see anything. I opened my eyes slowly and saw... saw... Lady Tsunade and a lady my age by her side. Lady Tsunade gave out a huge sigh.

"I'm glad you're alive y/n! You had given me a huge scare!" Tsunade was relived. I smiled and didn't spoke a word. I ask her to come with hand gestures. When she got closer I hugged her so tight.

"Thank you so much Lady Tsunade! I now owe you my life," I spoke weakly. She shook her head.

"No, not at all, I'm old and rusty and you have so much more to live, so don't worry!" She hugged me back. She let go and stretched.

"Let's call it a night," she smirked. She looked behind at the woman.

"Oh right, y/n this is Shizune. Shizune, this is y/n Namikaze!" Shizune bowed

"It's really honered to met you. The one who surpassed Lady Tsunade first and the lord fourth's daughter. You are a really great shinobi!"
I shook my hands side to side.

"Oh no no, please don't bow, I feel awful for that,"
I humbly suggested, "but thank you so much, I'm sure you're pretty great too!" She blushed lightly.

"Oink" The pig spoke.

"Oink to you too little one," I squealed inside. Inner me: awww it's so cute!!!
Lady Tsunade explained that I'll be fine by tomorrow, I can go home and rest for awhile. They both left and now I'm left with my thoughts.

"Why did I cry so much, when I saw my parents..." I mumbled. I heard a knock. I sat up and saw team seven was there, but no Kakashi. Weird. I shrugged it off.

"Glad you're doing okay y/n sensei!" Naruto came in for a hug and handed me some flowers, beautiful ones.

"Y/n sensei!" Sakura hugged me tightly. Man am I out of shape or did she got a strong grip?

"Glad you're fine," Sasuke handed me a get well card. I hugged them all at same time. I miss their faces. I noticed it was dark out. I sighed, wished their was more time to talk.

"I think you guys should get to bed, it must be late," I told. They nodded. As they were about to leave, I noticed Naruto and Sasuke giving each other nasty glares. What in the world is wrong with them.

Hopefully nothing terrible happens to team 7. HOPEFULLY, things will turn up right.

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