Attack of Orochimaru

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Third Person
The Neji vs Naruto fight was almost over, after a while, Naruto won! Good thing too.
Next up Sasuke vs Gaara. This should be interesting.

Some suspicious actions were being made. Some ninjas were acting so weird around this tournament. Something bad is going to happen! When the Sasuke Vs gaara fight was almost over, everyone was put in a genjutsu, except for some...
the Kazekage unmasked himself.
"Orochimaru!?" The Hokage yelled in shock.

First Person
We laughed and laughed.

"Y/n," a deep voice was heard.


"The village is in danger!" I laughed, he's probably messing with me.

"Stop messing around Kurama!"

"I'm not joking, do you sense anything bad around? The vibe." I hesitated, and tried to sense the presents around me. This Chakra... it's so evil... is this... Orochimaru?

"Mom, dad give me a sec okay?" They both nodded. I walked far away from them and tried to make a plan.

"The Hokage might be in danger! Naruto! And everyone else!"

"Yes yes! What do you wish to do!" The nine tails determinedly said.

"Well... since I may still be unconscious and not be able to move... control my body Kurma! Try to save the Hokage and keep everyone safe from danger! I'm counting on you! Also if Naruto isn't seen, tell kakashi to take care of him! Please!"

"Right!" The nine tails agreed.

'Kurama's POV
I took control over y/n's body. Hope this is the right choice! I opened her eyes and saw lots of tubes were in y/n keeping her alive. I looked at the mirror in front of the bed, her hair was a mess and her eyes changed to red like mine.
"No time to stall, I have to go!" It's weird being in y/n's body. Hope she'll forgive me for having a deep voice hehehe.

I ran out of the window and saw everywhere was in chaos. The most chaos place is... the stadium. That's where the chunin exams are held! I sensed a huge appearance of orochimaru and Lord Third.
"Hope we're not too late!"

As I got in, I saw that weird guy with the eyebrows, Guy, and Kakashi Hatake fighting sound and Sand Shinobis. I turned around and punched one of them. "So annoying." I huffed.
"Y/n!?" GUY AND kakashi yelled.
"It's not what you think," I said in a a deep and raspy voice, "I'm no y/n, I'm the nine tails inside of her. I'm here to help, she wanted this so don't argue!" I explained.

"Also where's Naruto?"

"He went for Sasgay, he's to stubborn to fight Gaara, don't worry though... I've sent Pukkun with them, I'm sure they'll be safe!" Kakashi explained. I nodded. I looked behind me and looked up the roof. Orochimaru and Lord third are fighting... I sighed, damnit y/n... I'm only doing this for you.

I flew to where the fight was happening. I'm not going to make it!

"Hey!" Kakashi yelled.

"Take care of Naruto for y/n, will you?" I yelled back.

I passed by an Anbu, they didn't stopped me, I continued to glide to the fight. My eyes widen... Orochimaru stabbed through the third hokage. I stopped everything I was doing... I watched as he make his last signs.

"They Reaper Seal!?" What an idiot! I watched and started to fall back down.

Nothing was able to stop my fall. I watched as the hokage smiled and collapsed on his face.
I failed y/n once again, it was stupid of her anyway... I closed my eyes.
It time to tell y/n what happened.

Third Person
Y/n's body fell and fell, getting closer to hitting the ground. Someone quickly jumped and caught her. It's looked like the magical time when Minato saves Kushina from the bandits. The magical moon moment. Y/n doesn't know what's going on because she's unconscious again. The man who saved her was the one and only Kakashi Hatake. A tear dropped from y/n's eye. I guess Kurma told y/n what happened.

Kakashi looked at y/n softly. More like depressing eyes.
"You tired... I'm sorry" Kakashi spoke softly.
He walked up to Guy with Y/n on his hands.

"Guy... take her back to the hospital, I need to go where my team and Pukkun is," Kakashi handed her to him. He nodded.

Kakashi ran to where team seven was as quickly as possible, whereas Guy... he was getting scolded.

"You pervert!" A nurse yelled. "Couldn't you just wait a little longer!?"

"You don't understand..." he got slapped by her and more nurses came to take y/n from Guy's hand. The nurse was still furious.

"Now get out!"

"Geez, I mean she's my best friend and all, but I would never do such thing!" Guy yelled back and shrugged it off. Y/n was put back with IVs and the breathing mask on. No one knows if she'll make it, most believe that she'll die. It might be hopeless for them, but not for her.

First Person
"... I'm sorry y/n." Kurma softly spoke. I teared up, another friend is now gone. He was like another grandfather to me, more like a great grandfather. He was so nice and peaceful. I'm glad he died in protecting the village, but why so soon?
"It's okay y'know," I smiled, "I might die too, so I've have time to apologize to him for everything. Same with everyone else."
"Y/n don't be such a brat..." I ignored, i ran to my mother and father. I hugged them tight.

I really wished none of you guys had died, the world would've been a better place, with you bright smiles and dreams. The one who should be dead is me, I'm a nobody, with no purpose. I fail everyone I meet. I'm sorry.

A/N: sorry if this got depressing omg have a meme

A/N: sorry if this got depressing omg have a meme

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