Team Da- I Mean Minato

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First Person
My dad was acting a little weird this morning. Hm I wonder why. I passed by obito's house. We've been closer than ever! Ever since his grandmother died. Poor guy.

"Hey y/n!" He greeted as he walked out the door. I smiled.

"I'm so excited to see who our teams are going to be!" I yelled in excitement.

"Man, I hope we'll be on the same team!" I hope so too. We'll soon have missions and have no time for each other, I really don't want to loose this friendship.

"Kurenai, Asuma, and uh Guy!" Sensei announced. Two team were unannounced yet.

"Team 7... Obito Uchiha, Rin Nora..." my heart dropped, damnit.

"...Kakashi Hatake..."

Obito and I fell to the ground "WHAT!?"

"And since there was a odd number... Y/N Namikaze."

We got up and cheered! Yes!

"You will meet your sensei after lunch." Oh wow, I wonder who's our sensei!

Lunch was over

I already saw Rin and Kakashi, hmph he hasn't changed one bit.

I was talking to Rin to kill the awkward silence. We were talking about who our sensei was gonna be. The door opened and soon came in...

d-DAD!? What the heck!

I fell off my chair!

This is going to be awkward, I thought. Just why!?

"So this is my team huh?" He looked at me. He smiled.
"Oh wait, were missing one right?" He asked looking at everyone.

"Yes, Obito Uchiha." Rin spoke.

"I'm here! I'm here! I was in the bathroom and just-"

"it's okay, now that everyone's here, Let's introduce ourselves won't we? Tell me what you love and your dreams" He smirked.

Is he really going to embarrass me? Oh gosh.

"Well let me start first... I'm Minato Namikaze. I love my family and my dreams are being Hokage one day and to have another child!" I was shocked.
Really Dad? Really?

"Uh why don't you go next... uh Kakashi Hatake?" Kakashi nodded.

"My name is Kakashi Hatake, I really don't love anything, And my Dreams? Well... I don't have any." He said coldly. What a guy. My dad twitches his eye and smiled.
Rin goes next.

"I'm Rin Nora, I love everyone in this village, and my dreams is to become a good medical ninja so I can heal the ones I love and care for!" She said confidently, props to her! Obito was admiring her words and appearance.
I twitched my eye and pushed Obito. It was his turn.

"OH! Uh- My Name is Obito Uchiha and I love everyone in the team *whispers* but not Kakashi, and my dream is once I awaken my sharigan I will become Hokage!"

"Nice Obito! We share the same dream!" My Dad smiled. Oh shoot, it's my turn what do I say? I cleared my throat and looked at my dad.

"I'm y/n, and I love uh-" They were all staring at me, what am I suppose to say!?

"... Uh You??" Everyone looked at me shockingly. Obito looked more shocked than anyone else.

"Uh y/n... repeat that?" Obito questioned.

"I love you," I said looking at my dad. "But I love mom more!" He smiled and sweat dropped.

"What!? You guys are related!????" Damnit Obito I guess you don't remember him.

"... and my dreams are becoming a legendary ninja, more specifically a legendary Kunoichi!"

"Atta girl!" He fist bumped me. "we'll start training tomorrow, so get ready, I won't be easy on you all.

He looked at me "... And just to be clear, I won't be picking favorites, I will treat all of you the same. No matter if we're related or not!" He patted my head. "See you all tomorrow."

Everyone was still pretty shocked, except Kakashi, at least I think not.

"Wow y/n! I never knew your Dad was a sensei!" Rin stated

"Neither did i." I sweat dropped. We dropped Rin home. It's now Obito and I.

"Say y/n. How come you never told me about your dad?"

I sighed loudly, "You don't remember? The day you saved me from the jerks. My dad thanked you and asked if you wanted to join us for dinner."

He looked confused. Minutes later, he remembered.

"Ahhh HA! I remember now!" He dropped me home. We both said our goodbyes. I opened the door.

"How was your sensei? Was he cute?" My dear mother smirked.

"Yes mom, he had long yellow hair and blue eyes." I played along.

"He sounds really cute."

"Mom, why didn't you gave me a heads up?"

"It wouldn't be so fun then would it." She had a point.

When Dad came we had some laughs during dinner. This is really weird. Having your dad as a sensei. That means I have to train by myself more.

Naruto's Older Sister (Kakashi x Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora