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First Person
I've been stuck in the darkness. I can't see anything.
"Y/n," a deep voice said. "You idiot! We could be dying because of your recklessness!" Nine tails yelled. "I could die!"

I laughed. "At least you won't die alone."

He sighed, "yeah I guess you're right, but damnit, you're to young to die." I laughed even more.

"You actually care about me? Or yourself?"

"Both of course." I came up to the nine tails and pet him on the nose.

"Let's hope not." I spoke. The dimness was started to fade, it's started to get darker and darker.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Kumura yelled, "don't go!"
His voice faded and faded.

Is this really the end? End of y/n Namikaze? I failed Obito, my parents and everyone.

Maybe this is for the good, since I'll be joining everyone that I cared for in the afterlife.

I'll be seeing you Obito, Rin, Mom and Dad... Shin. I can Finally be out of my misery.

I appeared on some yellowish clouds, it honestly looked so magical, like a dream. It was so calm. I looked around to see if anyone was here, I saw two figures from far away.

"Hey! Where am i?" I yelled. They didn't turned around, I guess I'm too far away. I ran up to them and tapped on their shoulders.

"Hey! I was talking to you guys-" one of them turned around and punched me in the stomach. I looked up in pain.

M-mom!? D-dad!?

Their eyes widen.
"Y/n!?" My mother teared up, and dad couldn't just believe it. My mom bent down and hugged me so hard, I lost my balanced. I hugged her back and teared up.

"Mom" I whispered. She got up and helped me to get up. I looked at dad, I smiled so widely.
"Dad," he hugged me so damn hard, I never had this type of hug from him.

"How much you've grown," he spoked softly. I picked him up while hugging, "how strong too." He laughed and let go.

We sat on the floor. I couldn't help but cry. My parents are here... my father wiped my tears away.

"So tell me, how's my daughter? Let's catch up on the years we missed." My dad brought my mom closer to him. They looked at me with joyful eyes.

"Well..." I smiled.

It's good for things to be normal again, I can't wait to catch up with Shin, Obito, and Rin. Oh how much I missed you all.

After hours and hours, I told them almost everything that happened, mostly the proud things I did.

"How about training with Master Jiraiya? How was that going?"
"It went very well! I mastered Sage mode and controlling the nine tails chakra in me! Pervy Gramps is such a good teacher!" My father's head dropped.

"I mean, he is really Pervy..." I told. My mother's face looked serious.

"Speaking of Master Jiraiya, did you pick up his habits?" I laughed nervously, I can't lie, she can smell my fear!

"Umm..." I scratched my head, "well..." she looked at dad with worried eyes.

"Minato! I told you that was a bad idea! Now y/n doesn't have an innocent mind! What will she become!?"

"It's okay mom! It's not that serious! I will never become like Pervy Gramps, he's so... on another level." I held my mom's warm hands. We all laughed.

"Y/n you sure have became a beautiful kunoichi," mom spoke. I blushed, thank you mom.
"Yes, you got it from your mom after all!" Dad patted my head.

"How's our little boy doing?" Dad suddenly asked. Naruto really did look like dad, it's so weird, but what can I say, like father like son.

"He looks a lot like you father, same blonde hair, blue eyes... and mom? Well almost the same personality; outgoing and a trouble maker! And same cheesy smile!" I giggled.

"He also is an idiot. He's not the smartest, but a clever one! He will never give up on the hardships he comes across with. He's also a little bratty, he has a few friends. He's eating well, I hope, and bathing I don't know..." my smile faded, "I still haven't told him about the whole situation... that I'm his sister and he's my little brother, I want to tell him! But it's not the right time yet." I looked down. My parents touched my shoulders and I looked up.

"He'll understand, I'm sure he will!" Dad smiled with is eyes closed and so did mom.
"He is an Namikaze and Uzumaki after all!" Mom added, "I hope we meet him one day, just to apologize for not being there in his life."
"I'm sure he'll understand that!" I hugged her tightly.

"Say y/n, who's Naruto's sensei and his team?" Dad asked curiously.

"His close friends in the world right now is Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha! Well kinda, they still have to work things out a little, they're friends and rivals."

"Atta boy!" Dad praised.
"As for his sensei..." I blushed a little and smiled, "Kakashi Hatake." Their eyes widen then smiled.

"He snapped out of the darkness I see?" I nodded.

"Yes, I heard he was going deeper after the attack had happened. But he then realized he wasn't alone, he finally found brightness into the whole world. He seems to be doing better after I came back better than ever. I'm glad he didn't turned to the evil side, I couldn't had forgiven myself, since I was the one who left him alone!" I smiled.
My mom came next to me and nudged my arm.

"Your eyes seemed to glow when you talk about Kakashi, do you love him y/n?" My faces turn red and coves my face. Why does everyone ask me that!?
"No! I don't know what you're talking about."

Mom shrugged, "if you say so... what a shame, a handsome strong young man like him and a beautiful and strong kunoichi like you? C'mon y/n! You're seriously passing out the opportunity... unless you love the other good looking samurai!"

My eye twitched. How does she know about Yato...
"You've seen y-Yato!?"

"We've been watching you y/n, not all the time though, just the times we think we need to see. We honestly thought you dating Yato was so cute!" Mom blushed.
"We also saw you're popular with the boys..." my dad twitched his eye.

"That's my girl! I have a feeling Naruto is the same!" I laughed.

"Um, it's more like the opposite..." mom stopped cheering.

"Well, he likes Sakura; she really reminds me of us when we were smaller, she punches Naruto also! But she doesn't have the same feelings for him... she loves Sasuke," I scratched my cheek, "this whole love triangle really reminds me of the old team 7, right dad?"

He laughs, "it really does bring back old memories!"
Mom had her head down the whole time. I frowned.

"Hinata..." I spoke, "Hinata is the girl who loves Naruto for who he is, but she's too quiet... but she fits for Naruto, she's a caring, loving student of mine..." my mom's head rose up and smiled.

"I'm glad to hear!" We talked and talked about more of my personal life, I don't know if this is nesasary. It suddenly got a little too serious.

"Y/n, did you see a masked person leaving a village during the attack?" My father looked quite serious.

"Yes, their chakra seemed so familiar but so dark. I have a feeling he has some sort of organization or group that had planned this. This attack, no way only one person could thought of this huge plan."

My father nodded, "I see, so you think it's anyone from the village?"

"I don't know, maybe the akatsuki has more information or the answer to this, I'm going to join it later this year."
"Who are they?"
"Bunch of criminals stealing jinjuraks, for something isn't known for. If I don't die now, I'll become a spy, it's Pervy gramps idea."

Moms face looked scared, "MY CHILD A CRIMINAL?"

My father sighed, "if it's for the village and Naruto, please do it y/n! We're counting on you!" My father patted my head.

I really don't want to leave... this feels so great! Seeing my parents again! I miss you guys so much!

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