Just A Dream

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You're worried about your dad, Rin, Kakashi, and mostly Obito.

"Sweetie, they'll be fine! They're strongest of the strong! Why'd you think Lord Third picked them for the job?"

"You're right!" You smiled.
Nothing bad can go wrong.

First person
"Hey Kurenai!" I waved as I sat next to her on her bench.

"Long time no see y/n" she hugged you. "Why so worried?" She laughs, "it's about Obito isn't it?" She asked. I sighed.

"He'll be fine y/n," she assured.
I hope so.

Third person
You guys gossip, talked about boys and the future. You suddenly didn't felt so good.

"Y/n! Are you okay!?" Kurenai she said sacredly.

"Yeah, I'm good, I just... just felt that something bad had just happened. I'm fine now Kurenai, really!"

Kurenai took me back home so I can rest a little. Well that was weird. I went home and went to sleep.

We ran as the cave was about to fall apart. Within my terrified eyes, I witnessed Obito... Obito's right body has been crushed by a big boulder.

I started to punch the boulder but it was no good. I tired to push it but it was no use.
"Stop y/n, I guess this is where I leave. My time living has come to an end. I finally awakened my sharigan, thanks to you! I can die in peace y/n! Don't worry about me! Goodbye." As I touched him once more he disappeared.

It's only me and the darkness.
The darkness and I.

I suddenly opened my eyes wide open.
"It was only a dream..." I laughed nervously.

"That would never happen to him! Would it?"

I couldn't go back to sleep. Not after that.

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