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-Hunter West-

Axel was going to be so scared that our father had left jail. Axel never liked our dad, neither did I, he's a monster, what he's done If incredibly wrong, he's abused many teenage girls, murdered innocent people, kidnapped, committed arson, anything you can think of, he's done it.

Axel was right to fear him, God knows what he' do next. He's unpredictable. But right now our focus was on finding Madeline's dad and the twins, my father is my last priority. I needed to find Madeline's dad first so I called the best yet worst person to call.

"Yes, Jason. Find her dad and send me the co-ordinates, make sure it's not a trap like last time. I nearly died and left Maddie by herself with our babies.....yes Jason babies not baby." Before he could ask anymore questions, I hang up the phone and take Madeline home so we could be with Axel who was currently with Luke.

We entered the house and everything was quiet. Too quiet. I put my arm in front of Madeline so she didn't go any further.

I start to go forward and then a muffled scream was heard behind me, as I turned around Madeline was being dragged into a car. I quickly get into my car and try follow them but soon loose them. I call Jason and told him to meet me back at mine after I called Luke and he told me that he and Axel were at the Beat.
"What's wrong Hunt?" I wanted to punch something, I need to punch something. I was frustrated, whilst I've been waiting for Jason to arrive I have been calling The Lions to track her down and right now they were following the car using the street cameras.

"Madeline's gone again." I take deep breaths in and release it quite quickly as an attempt to calm down. This time it was different. This time I knew there were three people that
I love with some psycho as he's doing fuck knows with Madeline.

"Hunter, we'll find her. She and your children with be safe. I'll call the Lions and see if they are getting any progress." I nod and sit on the couch and hug a pillow as tight as I could. I needed her here safe and sound.

It's been around five minutes and Jason was still on the phone.

"Hunter, they still are searching through the other cameras, they lost her so they are trying to search if they find her."

"Brilliant, Just fucking brilliant. Tell them to hurry the hell up!"

I've lost my temper by now, they've lost my three babies. And now what, wait a week until I see her again, until they've found a lead on where she is. God damn it!

"That's not it, Madeline's father is not working alone. He's working with your dad and the same woman from last time." What does my father want with Madeline?

When I have Madeline by my side, I'm killing them all. One.By.One. And then we'll see who's laughing then.


It's been two days since Madeline has gotten kidnapped and no one has found a lead on her whereabouts, these people are useless. The more time she  spends with those psychos the more crazy they get. I don't even want to imagine the things the could be doing to here right now.

And that's when it hits me. How could no one have thought about doing this?

I call Bear (who's in charge of finding Madeline).

"You're an absolute idiot! Track her phone!" On the other side of the phone I could hear very intense typing, telling me that they were indeed doing their work, which followed by a 'yes sir'.

All we had to do was play a waiting game.

"Hunter have you eaten anything?" As stupid as Jason was he was also caring. He always cares about the people he loves.


"Have you slept?"

"Nope." I pop the 'p'

"Hunter you have to sleep and eat or you won't have any energy to help Maddie when we find her." I nod and make my way to the kitchen and make my self some Mac N Cheese and then I go to sleep once I ate it.


I was shaken awoke by Jason.

"Hunter! We found a lead." I instantly get up and we run to my car.

"It's four hours away from here in ....." Jason gives me the address as I put it on maps on my phone and drive off instantly.

It was currently 3am so no one was out apart from us. We were an hour away from getting Maddie. One more hour and she'll be in my arms again.

Jason had fallen asleep so it was just me, in the dark at 3am driving like a psycho, speeding hoping  to get there sooner rather than later.
We had finally arrived at 4:31, praying that I'm not too late. I wake Jason up and we instantly get on it.

Before entering the building we set up bombs for an hour. We had to be in and out of there with Madeline in an hour or we all go down.

"We'll get her, I promise." Jason promises me, trying to reassure me, I really hope she's fine.

After all the bombs were set up we ran inside not wanting to waste anytime. This time instead of it being a trap, there was an army of men as soon as we walked in.

Time for fun.

A/N- this book is coming to an end, it will have a bonus chapter and the sequel will be out a couple days after this book finishes. But for now let's enjoy the rest of this book as much as we can

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