Chapter twelve

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-Madeline Grey-

I had just confessed my heart and soul to the bad boy, he now knew the real reason I fled from California. I woke up wrapped in his arms, I can't remember when or how I fell asleep in his arms but apparently I did. Not going to lie, it felt good.

I heard the cries of a cute three year old boy, so I slowly got out of Hunters embrace and made my way to Axel's room.

"Maddie!!" I crouched down beside his bed and hugged the toddler. He let go and sat back down on his blue covered bed.

I noticed that it was only two in the morning so I'm guessing he had a nightmare.

"What's wrong, Axel?" I rub his shoulders in attempt to calm him down. I hated seeing children upset.

"I had a nighmawe. Daddy was back." I wonder if these nightmares occur often. If they do, I'm afraid he might be traumatised by the murder of his mother. I couldn't bare to see this young child be afraid of life because of what his monstrous father did. "Can I sleep with you, plwease Maddie?" How could I say no.

I smile and pick him up along with his blanket and carry him back downstairs.

"Hey, I heard crying." A sleepy Hunter appears in front of me. He rubs Axels back just like I did earlier.

"He had a nightmare, I'll tell you later." I whisper the last part so Axel didn't hear. Hunter nods in agreement and we sit back in the sofa.

I cradle Axel, wrapping him in his blue blanket, Hunter then sits back down and pulls me gently towards him so that he was embracing me like before. Soon all three of us drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up before the two boys, so I decided to go make breakfast, hopefully waffles if Hunter has the ingredients to do so.

I walk up to the kitchen and look through the cupboards and fridge, thankfully he did have the ingredients so I got started on the waffles.

I had just finished making the waffle when Hunter woke up.

"Mmmm, what's that smell?!" I heard a familiar voice hummed as I heard footsteps.

"I made waffles. Want some?" I said as I started spreading Nutella on the waffles and chucking strawberries on them too.

"Is that even a question?! Of course I want some!" He expressed as he dumps his finger in the Nutella jar scooping out a chunk and sucking it of his finger.

I swat his hand as he was about to dunk his finger in again, he moans before coming up behind me and putting his hands against my waist to embrace me. He places his head on my shoulder, observing my every move.

"You're a really good cook." He randomly says after minutes of silence. I giggle and pick some Nutella with my finger before spreading it on his nose.

He gasps dramatically as he scoops it off and puts it all over my right cheek. I grab an even bigger scoop of Nutella and put it on his cheek. By now it became a Nutella war. It was fun and playful and full of giggles, we didn't even realise who was by the kitchen door with a smile on their face.

When Hunter declared peace, I grabbed a strawberry and slid it across his cheek, stuffing the strawberry with Nutella. I bite into half of it before winking. Hunter takes the other half and eats it with a genuine laugh. Not a chuckle, not a giggle, but a laugh.

"Huntwr, Maddie!" We heard a little voice coming up behind us before pulling our legs to hug them.

Axel had been watching his brother laugh for the first time in forever.

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