Chapter Eleven

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                           -Madeline Grey-

"Have you ever heard of The Lions?" Jason eased into the subject. I didn't know why The Lions had something to do with this but I was about to find out.

"The world's most dangerous  gang? Yeah I've heard of it but what does that have to do with anything?" I was confused as to what was the link between Jason, Hunter and The Lions

"Really?! You haven't put the pieces together yet? Oh god. We are part of that gang, love. In fact I'm the leader." I should've seen it coming, I mean there were rumours around the school about Hunter being in a gang, I just decided not to believe in them.

The only question that was going through my brain was  "Why?"

"Why?! Is that the only question going through your brain?" Hunter seemed shocked so did Jason. There was nothing else that seemed to be buzzing through my head other than why.

I shrugged my shoulders as I fiddled around with one of the many bands I had around both wrists. "Yeah.. I mean why would you decide to join a gang or become a gang leader?"

Hunter bit his lip before he replied.

"I had no one Madeline. No way of making money, no one wanted to hire a lone, abandoned teenager, so I had to do the best thing for the little family I have. I found an easy way to make money." I kind of understood why he chose to do what he did, I would've done something similar if it meant being able to sustain my family, especially if it was the last of my family. I looked over at Jason, wondering why he joined.

Probably something stupid.

"I joined because I was bored." I held back my giggle as Jason told me his reason. Of course, why am I not shocked, it's Jason we are talking about.

Then the doorbell rang, Hunter walked over to the door and then an unfamiliar giggle was heard.

Hunter walks back in hand in hand with a little boy who looked really similar to Hunter. I'm guessing it was Axel. When Axel made eye contact with me, he ran over jumping onto my lap. I giggled and so did the little boy.

"Hey, you must be Axel" I smile at the boy and he responds with an even bigger smile showing the little teeth he had. "My name is Madeline but you can call me Maddie." I poke Axel's nose gently with my  index finger as he bursts into a fit of laughter.

"I'm hungwy" Axel still has that cute little baby accent, in which he replaces his 'R's' with a 'W'. It was the cutest thing I've ever heard

"Aww poor you! Come on, show me where the kitchen is and I'll make you some food." Axel guides me to the kitchen.

The kitchen was huge, it was decorated in white and black marble.

I look down at the toddler and ask him what he wanted.

"Stwawbewwies and bluebewwy yoghurt" he beams the cutest smile ever as I hold him up and place him on top of the marbled counter.

"Be careful I'm just going to get the food." I poke my tongue out as he does the same. I go to the fridge and take out the organic yoghurt and Axel's chosen fruit. I also reach the top of the counter and get out a porcelain white bowl.

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