Chapter sixteen

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                            -Madeline Grey-

The view was incredible, absolutely amazing. I was so fascinated by the view that both me and Hunter didn't even realise it was getting dark.

"We should get going, Mads" I nod with a smile on my face. Hunter gets up first and helps me up, careful not to pull my wrists hard enough to open up a wound.

Once we get in the car, my eyes became heavy. I guess the view was to exciting that I didn't even realise I was tired.

"Sleep, I'll wake you up when we get home." I nod as I adjust my seat so it was comfortable enough for me to be able to sleep in. Before I knew it, I was in a safe place. Sleeping.


I'm awoken by Hunter slowly shaking me awake. He lets out a giggle, probably because I look like a zombie, and get out of the car and coming over to my side.

"Let me check something." I pull down the mirror and see that my hair is looking like a lions mane. Hunter let's out a snort as he notices my face drop. I roll my eyes at him before quickly putting my hair into a ponytail that actually looked decent.

"Troll." I fake gasp as I hear Hunter joking about... I think.

"Grandpa" we both burst into a laughter fit before i got out of the car.

He unlocks his front door and a toddler instantly hugs my leg. Hunter picks Axel up and tickles him.

"What about my hug, huh?" He carries on tickling Axel as axel throws him self on Hunters shoulders go give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hunt, How was your trip?" A Calvin Klein looking model walks speaks up, leaning across the door frame.

"It was a stress relief." Hunter smiles looking at me whilst Axel was still playing monkey bars on Hunters arm.

"Luke Towers." He extends out his hand for me to shake. I take his hand before introducing my self.

"Madeline Grey."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." A smirk appears on his face as he says the cheesiest pick up line in the book of cheesy pick up lines. It didn't bother me though, can't say the same about Hunter however. His smile has completely dropped and now is currently sporting his signature frown and ice cold blue eyes.

I can't say that I didn't blush at Luke's comment. I mean if you took a good look at him, you would understand why too. Curly brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes, a smile that could kill, defined cheek bones and jawbone. He was a living and walking Calvin Klein model.

"Where do you work?" I decide to get to know this Greek god.

"He works for me. He's part of the Lions as well." Hunter emphasises that Luke is working for him. Explains Luke's obvious six pack ripping through his shirt.

"Aren't you that Madeline that helped save Hunters and Jason's asses at the party a couple months ago?" I nod as I laugh, remembering how I met Hunter and Jason at that party. I had decided to see who this Hanna girl was and I did. And I ended up killing her. Urgh.

"You're crazy!" Luke and I were getting to know each other as the hours passed by, I didn't even notice that Hunter wasn't even in the house anymore. I was too focused on the Greek God that's right in front of me.

"Why don't you join The Lions? I mean you obviously got the guts for it so why don't you?"

"Don't get any ideas in her head, Luke!" Hunters voice echoed through out the room. He was furious. Why? I don't know.

"Woah chill, it was just a suggestion. Why are you getting defensive, you two aren't dating or anything are you?" Luke looks at me and Hunter waiting for a reply.

"No. We aren't." Hunter gives the reply that Luke had been waiting for.

"Well then you won't mind if I ask Madeline on a date will ya?" Hunters jaw clenched but he shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

"I have to go now Maddie but I'll pick you up for that date tomorrow." Luke places a soft kiss on my cheek before leaving the West manor.

I decided to go check up on Hunter however he was no where to be seen, I go up to his room and open the window to get some fresh air. I heard distant groaning as the window opened, so I run back downstairs and out to the garden.

I stop and admire the garden for a split second, it was dark but the garden was illuminated by lights on the floor. There was a massive pool and behind that it was surrounded by beautiful plants and different types of trees.

I shake my head as I forgot why I came out here in the first place. I follow the grunts and as I got closer you could see a....gym?

I open the door and there he was. Hunter punching a punching bag as hard as he could.
I though Luke looked like a god but scratch that, Hunter was the definition of a god.

He was shirtless, showing of his eight pack and his clenched muscles as they punched the bag as hard as they could. He wasn't wearing any boxing gloves which cause his knuckles to be bleeding. How doesn't he feel it?

I go behind him and put my hand on his shoulder, he instantly tenses up and turns around. I take his hand in mine and lead him back inside and into his room. I tell him to sit down as I go into the bathroom and get the first aid kit. This kit has been put to good use.

I clean up the blood from his bruised knuckles and fists as he hisses as the alcohol touches his bare skin.

I've only just realised that his skin had scars scattered all over the place. I go to touch the scars but Hunter leans back.

"It's ok." I whisper as he allows my fingertips to roam around the scars. "They're beautiful." His most of his arms and a portion of his upper torso was covered in tattoos.

"Are the tattoos to cover up the scars?" He says nothing but nods.

"I'm getting more done to cover the rest." Our voices where nothing but mere whispers. I shake my head in disagreement.

"Don't. I like them." Hunter had placed me on his lap and his hands were on my waist, his head on the crook of my neck and my hands were around his neck but then... my phone rings.

I take it out of my pocket as I stand up.

Luke Towers is calling.

"Aren't you going to pick that up?!" I was taken by surprise when Hunter raised his voice.

"What the hell?! Why are you shouting?" I ask also starting to raise my voice.

"Because I'm pissed off with you whoring about! Who's next?! Jason?" What the fuck.?


"It's not me who got pregnant at the age of fifteen, was it?!" Wow. Wow is all I could say. I told him what I went through yet he is using it against me. What a disgusting human being.

Tears started to well up in my eyes, Hunter realised as started to walk closer to me with a sad expression on his face.


I trusted him too quickly and now look where that got me.

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