Chapter Six:

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                           -Madeline Grey-

After that happened, I finished the school day and I went straight home and did nothing but watch Netflix.

Soph had told me that she was going over to Lia's house. And as if it was planned, my phone rang with Sophie's name right on the centre.

"Maddie?!! Whatever you are doing STOP! Get your ass up and get dressed into something hot!" I was so confused. "I'll be there in 1hour so you better be ready!"

"Wait Soph where are we goi-" before I could finish, she had hung up. I roll my eyes and thought I might as well start having a social life, so I get up and go to the shower.


I get dressed into a tight, black dress, that stopped mid-thigh, some black heels and my hair was done up in tight curls, that bounced past my waist. As for my make-up I did a nude smokey eye along with a dramatic dark red lip.

"MADELINE" perfect timing.

I reach my phone and put it into a purse as I grabbed my signature black bomber jacket.

"Who are you and what have you done with my cousin?!" Sophie exclaims, her jaw to the ground.

I wouldn't usually dress this nicely but since I decided to put in effort I actually did for once.

We hopped into her car and she drove off.

Within 20 minutes, we were at this huge mansion. There was loud, booming music. I swear all Soph thinks about doing is partying.

We walk in and the screams and shouting were deafening. I see a familiar face as Sophie abandons me, to go make out with some guy.

"Maddie He- woah." I smirk as I see Jason eyeing me up and down.

We say our hellos and wander around this huge maze that one may call a house. Every corner we turned, there was always someone making out with someone, or starting to undress each other.


"Why does everyone seem to be sucking each other's faces off." I ask, disgusted at the sight that bloomed into my eyes.

"It's their idea of fun." Jason replies as we walked around the house, wandering room to room. I give him a look that screams out what-about-you. "I personally have different ideas of fun. And no it's not sex. What about you?"

"Eh. I usually stay home all day on Netflix. I'm a more stay-at-home kind of girl." I chuckle.

And then a phone beeps.

"That's Hunter. He's wondering where I am. Come on." Jason smiles at me, I follow him back downstairs.

We go down the gold spiral staircase and below it was Hunter, looking down at his phone, with one hand in his ripped jeans pocket and the other scrolling down. His blue eyes focused on what was happening on the phone rather than what was happening around him.

"Where'd you go? I lost you and I happened to find Maddie whilst you were gone." Jason grabs Hunters attention as we were still walking down the never ending staircase.

"I went to go grab us a beer." Hunter replied, still looking down on his phone. "Where'd you g-" he finally looks up and his eyes land on me immediately.

"Like I said, I found Maddie and we wandered around the house." Hunters eyes leave mine as he looks up to Jason.

"Hm." Rude.

"How's Hanna?" Like I said before, I get a little curious sometimes.

"Dunno, ask Tanner." Ohh cold

The night went by pretty fast and I remember none of it. All I can remember is when I chugged down my ninth drink and then pretty much everything else is a massive blur; I do know however that I did stay all night with Hunter and Jason.  And I remember a little opening  that may or may have not occurred between me and Hunter. What's the little opening up session  about, you may ask? Haha well.... it started a little like this.

"Don't you think you've had enough to drink Madeline?" Before you ask.. yes I was intoxicated and yes I did not want to admit it.

"Don't you think you should shut up and focus on your scumbag, cheating, whore of a girlfriend?" And yes I am an angry drinker.

"Ex" he mutters, I looked up at him with my head tilted to the side in confusion.  "Ex-girlfriend. I broke it off after you left the scene."

"Oh. I'm s-sorry." I apologise, I don't know why but I did. Hunter laughs and shakes his head in disagreement.

"Don't be. I was going to break things off with her but I just needed an excuse." He sighs as he puts his hands in his leather jacket pocket . I raised an eyebrow at him to tell him I didn't believe him. "I'm telling the truth, I just didn't expect it to be something so harsh as to being cheated on."

"Trust me, I know. I didn't just move here because of my mom, I moved to get away from the drama and a psychotic person." I gulp down another drink, I didn't mean to tell him all of this, but I had way too much to drink.

"Who?" Looking back now, I've never actually spoken to Hunter civilly.

"My-" even though I had too much to drink, I still knew not to tell him too much. "Don't worry." I gave him a short smile and wandered off.

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