Chapter twenty-three

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"When you try to rise above me, I'll show you my own hell" -Andy Black

-Hunter West-

(A day ago)

The time had finally come, the time where I would finally give Maddie the closure she'd wanted.

"I'll be back soon ok?" She nods in reply as I kiss her forehead. "Don't Wait for me, go get some sleep, this might take a while depending on how much security your father has."

"Come back to me Hunter." She pulls me into a hug as I hug her tighter. I could feel her heartbeat against my chest, she was nervous, anxious even.

"I will. Ares is here, if you need anything ask him. I'll be back soon." I give her one last kiss as I walk out the door with my crew.

Jason drives us to the address and we carefully and quietly make our way to the front door. No security so far.

"Hunter, something doesn't seem right, this is too easy." Jason warns me, I shake my head as I grip on to my gun even tighter.

"The easier it is for the bastard to go down then." We kick down the door and we are greeted with silence at least I thought so.

"Shh..." Jason hushes us down and we all stop walking. "There's a bomb here, everyone get out!!" I guide my crew out the door and once they were all out it was then and only then I was going to go out. No man left behind.

Before I could even think about stepping foot outside, there was a loud bang and everything fell on me, followed by a ringing in my ear and then silence.


-Madeline Grey-
(Two days later.)

"Maddie please eat. Not eating isn't going to bring Hunter back." Jason was right, at some point I had to eat, Hunter would've wanted me to.

I hesitantly take the bowl of soup he had in his hands and sip slowly in it. I felt sick. Something was off and it wasn't just because of the stress of Hunter being gone, it was something beyond that, I've been feeling sick even before he'd disappeared. I had a feeling of what it might be.

"Jason, can you take me to the store?I need to get something." He smiles at me happy that I finally want to leave this house.

"I'll get Axel ready." Axel had been asking for his brother which is normal, we've been telling him that Hunter has been busy with work. He didn't need the death of his brother on his shoulders.

Once we were done, Jason drives us to the local store and follows me down the aisles like a lost puppy.

Once I see what I need I grab two boxes and put them in the basket.

"Pregnancy tests?" Jason asks me with a confused expression on his face.

"I've been feeling sick since before Hunter disappeared and I have a funny feeling it might be because I'm pregnant." I say the part about Hunters disappearance quietly because Axel was listening. Jason nods and rubs my shoulder gently to show his support.

I pay and then we drive back home and go take the pregnancy tests. Jason waited anxiously in Hunters room as he played with Axel. If I was pregnant, I'm afraid my baby will have no father. After all his or her father is dead, how am I going to do this on my own.

I take one pregnancy test, positive. And then another, positive. And I carry on until I take the whole two boxes of tests. All positive. I was pregnant. I walk out of the bathroom with six pregnancy tests in my hand and tears on my face.

He's a troublemakerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora