Chapter Nine

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"Maddie?!" I hear a familiar voice as I was sitting comfortable on the sofa, stuffing my face in Oreo ice cream. I look behind me and see that the voice belonged to Soph, she was behind the sofa along with Issy and Lia.

Soph looked at me with a disgusted face as I continuously gobbled down the ice cream. I see Issy on her phone whilst Lia just re-applied her shiny red lipstick, using her phone as a mirror.

"Uh Huh?" I mumble, not able to form full words since my mouth was filled to the brim.

"We are  going to the cafe, wanna come or are you too busy?" She looks down at the two empty tubs and the full one I'm currently holding, I roll my eyes as I put the full tub beside the empty ones.

I get up and drag my slipper covered feet to my room. I quickly grab a pair of black high waisted shorts and a band vest top with my ankle heeled boots. I messily put up my knotty hair into a bun to disguise the mess and some mascara to thinly coat my lashes. 

"Jesus Maddie! You look like Satan just  got a hold of ya." Lia snorts out, I moan as she approaches me, cleaning the previous mascara that I had on which somehow ended up under my eyes.

Once we were ready, we climbed onto m Dodge Challenger and we drove off to the cafe a couple minutes away from our house. It was a bright red vintage cafe, well it was more like a diner than a cafe. The lights really stood out from the outside, they looked like that had a hint of blue in them as they reflected on the glass windows.

Everyone that was inside seemed to be enjoying the food whether they were alone or with someone else. The floors were checkered in a black and white pattern, the walls had fake graffiti all over them which some how made it feel welcoming.

There was a massive wall which was white and had some writing on it, beside it was a plaque telling us we could write things on that wall only as long as it was polite and not threatening in any manner.

We sat down in one of the red booths and waited for a waiter to come as we looked through the menu.

"Hello, welcome to Dine 'N Hike, what would you like to order?" A polite young women came over to us, she looked like she just walked out of a vintage movie. Old fashioned dress that was red with black polka dots, red vintage heels that matched her beautiful dress and her raven hair was puffily put into a bun with a puff at the front.

We all give her our orders and she politely dismisses herself when she wrote the orders on a small flip book. Moments later she arrived with our milkshakes, warning us that our food may take a while.

"How's Hunter and Jason, Issy?" I ask, trying to make conversation since none of us have said a word since we arrived. Sophie gives me a glare, shaking her head in.... disgust?

"Same as always, two douchebags causing havoc around the streets." She takes a sip from her chocolate milkshake as she scrolls through her social media. "Any news from your mom?"

"Nope"I pop the "p" to show that I'm quite annoyed at the fact that my mom hasn't asked me if I was ok. Caring mother right?

Before I could even ask her another question, she looks down at her phone with a shocked expression before she rushes out the diner.

Lia and Sophie gave each other worried looks while I sat here oblivious sooo I decided to be curious (nothing new) and rush out to follow Issy as the others call out for me.

I followed her into this creepy alleyway, she turned a corner and then voices were heard. Familiar voices.

"How could you be foolish and let them run?!" Jason? Is that Jason?

"Oh please I was too busy distracting your new friend like you told me to." By now I was really curious.

"You still could have gotten here faster Issy. We were in desperate need." Hunter?

Before I could control my urge, I turned the corner in which I was now faced at Issy's back and also a gun was pointed at my temple.

In front of me was Issy, Jason, and Hunter, the person who was pointing the gun at me was unknown, at least to me he was.

"Madeline?!" They all say at once.. well all except the tall creepy guy with the gun. Nope, let me rephrase that, they all have guns but I was talking about the creepy tall guy whose gun is pressed against my temple.

Everyone's gun was pointed at Bob over here. Yes I just named him Bob, I don't want to keep calling him creepy tall guy.

"Let her go Scar, she's not the one you want." Hunter walks up so he's closer to me but still quite distanced just in case Bob, whose name is Scar, shoots me.

Instead of following Hunters instructions, he decided to put more pressure against the deadly side of my forehead. My buddy over here laughs and walks back dragging me with him.

I could see Hunter peeking at something behind me and Bob. Yup I'm sticking with Bob. Normal people would be scared, but since I'm so used to this, this is

The safety of the gun clicks and I close my eyes prepared to face my fate but no bullet comes out. I open my eyes and my bestie is on the floor unconscious.

"Madeline?! What the hell?" Really? are they really 'what the helling' me.

"Um no, you what the hell? What's that all about? Are you in a gang? Oh my god! The rumours are true! This is the part where you kill me isn't it?! Do it now, end my suffering!" A million questions rang through my head, repeating themselves like a broken disc. Why do they have guns?

"Jesus, chill, let's take you home and I'll answer any questions you want. Also thank you Crystal, you were...helpful." Hunter says. The girl from earlier appeared. Remember that Victoria Secret model who doesn't get along well with Jason? Yup that's her. However this time she was wearing a prostitutes cat suit. It was tight, plastic looking, black, heels that were bigger than my future.

"Well well, would you look at that. Madeline Grey, Lincoln Greys daughter. What are you doing here in New York?" If I had water I would've done a spit take. How does she know who my demonic of a father is?

"Getting away from a certain someone. I'm sorry who are you?" I finally ask the important question.

"My name's Crystal String."

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