Chapter Ten

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-Jason Iron-
(A/N - this has short references of rape, so if you are easily disturbed please do not continue reading, there is nothing graphic just a tiny reference to rape)

We really messed up this time, we were always so careful when meeting up. I have no idea how we are going to explain this to Maddie.

Hunter looked confused, Crystal is here for some reason looking smug as always, and Issy...well she's being Issy, careless.

I haven't said a word yet, probably cause I'm scared that I'll accidentally say the secret out loud but then again she pretty much knows already.

"Well?! Is someone going to explain or what? And don't give me any bullshit!" Maddie looks and seems pissed, I wonder why she decided to follow us. Did she suspect from the beginning? Oh I hope not.

I look over to Hunter, who just sighs before giving his answer. "Let's go somewhere else, it's not safe to speak here." Maddie's eyes spread wide open, wondering what the hell was so secretive that couldn't be said there and then.

If only she knew.

Well... she kinda is about to know and I don't know how she's going to react.

(Hunters house:)

We all sat down on Hunters leather sofa, Crystal had left along with Issy so it was just me, Hunter and Maddie.

"I'll get us some water." I offer just so we all calmed ourselves down a little before we had to explain to Maddie what was happening.

Once I handed the three cups of water out, me and Hunter took a deep breath before he spoke.

"What do you want to know?" He asks, Maddie's jaw drops in disbelief as she scoffs .

"Are you kidding me? I just had a gun pointed at me and you all have guns and you ask me what I want to know?" She crosses her arms after she takes a sip of the water in attempt to calm down.

"There's really no other way to put it Hunter, might as well just tell her flat." I speak up as I saw Hunter about to back out on telling her the truth.

"She's a stranger! Are we really going to trust her with this?" Both me and Maddie roll out eyes at Hunter. If he wasn't going to tell her then I was, one way or another she's going to find out, might as well tell her now.

"Have you ever heard of The Lions?" I slow into it, beating around the bush slightly.

"The world's most dangerous  gang? Yeah I've heard of it but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Really?! You haven't put the pieces together yet? Oh god. We are part of that gang, love. In fact I'm the leader." Hunter fiddles around with his glass cup as he announces it. Maddie shows no signs of being afraid or terrified which I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

She gulps down the rest of her drink before replying. "Why?"

"Why?! Is that the only question going through your brain?" Hunter was as shocked as I was, normal people would've ran miles if they heard this. They would be petrified but not Madeline Grey.

She shrugs her shoulders as she played with one of the many bands that were on her wrists. "Yeah.. I mean why would you decide to join a gang or become a gang leader?"

That is a good question.

"I had no one Madeline. No way of making money, no one wanted to hire a lone, abandoned teenager, so I had to do the best thing for the little family I have. I found an easy way to make money." She nods her head in understanding as Hunter explained, then she looks over at me.

"I joined because I was bored." This is literally the only reason I joined Hunters growing gang. I was genuinely bored, there was nothing to do so I joined the gang. Maddie held back a giggle almost as if she was expecting that kind of answer from me.

Then the doorbell rang, Hunter walked over to the door and then the wonderful giggles of a three year old cheerful boy. Axel West, Hunters baby brother.

Hunter walks back in hand in hand with Axel, a smile spread across Maddie's face in approval and as if they instantly connected, Axel ran over to Maddie hugging her as she picked him up and placed him on her lap.

"Hey, you must be Axel" she smiles. "My name is Madeline but you can call me Maddie." She pokes Axel's nose gently with her index finger.

"I'm hungwy" Axel still has that cute little baby accent, in which he replaces his 'R's' with a 'W'.
I personally found that adorable.

"Aww poor you! Come on, show me where the kitchen is and I'll make you some food." Axel guides her to the kitchen, leaving me and Hunter alone.

Seeing Axel so happy put a genuine smile on his face. If there's one thing you should know about Hunter is that he never smiles, he's as cold hearted as he acts out to be, except when it comes to his baby brother.

He sits down where Maddie was previously sitting and just sighs.

"They connected straight away. He's usually so shy." I decided to break the silence. Hunter looks at kitchen door and a corner of his lip rose slightly.

"Yeah. How can she be so calm after what happened, she nearly got shot!" He whisper shouts so Axel didn't hear anything. That little boy has been through so much I don't think he needs to know his brother and sister are in a gang in which they kill people. It would be so traumatic if he found out at this age.


Moments later Maddie arrives back with a bowl of organic yoghurt filled with fresh strawberries and blueberries. She places Axel back on her lap and she helped him eat. She would occasionally make airplane noises when he needed help with putting the food in his mouth.

"How do you do it?" I ask in surprise, Axel is so fussy with his food.

"I-I um had a baby," She stutters, we looks at her. "I was um r-raped. My baby was killed." She licks her lips as she held back the tears. I looked over at Hunter and saw that his fists were clenched.

She turns on her phone and notices the time.

"I'm going to put Axel to bed, it's too late for him to be up, where's his room?" She asks as she stands up, holding a sleepy Axel in her arms.

"Upstairs, third door to the left." Once Maddie wasn't seen, I spoke up once more.

"I can't believe she went through rape and losing her child. Imagine how hard it must've been." I noticed that when I touched on the subject, Hunters fist pulsated. He hated the fact that she had been raped, and the fact that someone had killed her baby.

I felt sorry for Maddie, I can't even imagine what she went through, the pain, the stress. Is that why she left California? Or is there something else, rather someone else?

One thing I knew for certain is that Maddie is sure as Hell strong and independent.

I'm really glad we told her about the Lions.

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