The War Has Begun

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Pan was surprised he didn't see Mernique when he got back. Well things just kept being strange because Wendy had kissed him and then walked away. He didn't feel anything. Not like he did with Mernique. He searched for her at her Hut but it was empty. He went to the medic bay. What was even stranger the Healer wasn't on his post. He walked to the bonfire. Everyone sat there. Mernique was still on the island he sensed.

He sat next to Felix. "And? Where were you? "Felix asked and he glared at him not in the mood to answer his questions. Suddenly he felt something soft rubbing at his legs. He looked down and saw chocolate brown eyes looking up at him. He stared at the puppy. The last time he saw one was when his father had bought hunting dogs when he was still a child. The dog bit his shoes while waving its tail.

He reached down and gently rubbed the puppy. She tried nibbling his fingers and he teased her by waving it all around. She was determined to catch it. He smiled. "Hunter! "Rossa called. "Hunter? Is this your dog? "He asked as the puppy lie flat on his back, paw in the air. "No, it's Mernique's. A gift from me. She always wanted to have a dog. "She said and Pan looked up and saw a flicker of worry in her eyes.

He knew what bothered her. A few guards she had send out to do a check. They haven't returned for days. Suddenly a massive earth quake came. Pan grabbed the puppy and the ground to keep his balance. He saw a fire rose in the air or something like that but he was blinded. When it stopped they all blinked. "What was that? "Roland demanded. Rossa looked at Helga. "I have only seen it once in my life. "Rossa said her hands playing with her dress.

They all had their daggers out ready for an attack. For a few moments they watched the forest. Whatever it was... it was gone. A few moments past before they kept on partying. Pan didn't sense something wrong with the island. He saw Wendy appeared from nowhere. He didn't know what to say her. She wanted to say something but her mouth fell open. He followed her gaze. He was on his feet.

Guard were appearing from the woods. The ones that dissapeared. Rossa blinked. "Captain! What happened? "She demands and he saw Roland flinch. He looked horrible. His clothes were torn with scratches, his face was bruised and there was blood leaking from his shoulder. The others didn't look so good either. Pan nodded his head and a few Lost boys stood up to help them to the medic bay.

Hopefully the Healer would be back. "We were captured. They wanted to know where Pan's camp is and... how to destroy it. "He struggled but kept his ground. "How did you escape? "She asked real concern on her face. The guards looked uneasy around him. "Gabriel came to untie us and a cloaked Dragon Master. "He answered. A Dragon Master? Hidden on his island?  Rossa's eyes went wide. "A Dragon Master? "She met Pan's eyes. He shook his head telling her he didn't know of this.

Another gaurd stepped up. "Your Highness I saw who the Dragon Master was. "He answered. She nodded telling him to continue on. "It was... Mernique. "He answers. His face drained and so  Rossa's. Roland staring at him. "What? "He barked. "Mernique was fighting the Draco's and then the General while Gabriel untied us. "He said coughing. "Your Highness can Mernique shift? "He asked and Rossa was now paler then ever. Shift is when you change form your human form to Dragon form. You are the most powerful in that form but you are drained easily.

That isn't possible. Mernique wasn't close to shifting. "No... did she? "She whispered. "She was fire. She was circled in flames. Her eyes were golden and her hair as well. She also wore golden armor. "He said shaking his head. Rossa held her hand to her head. "What happend then? "She asked her voice drained. "Well she... made the general run for his money. "He smiled wickedly. Rossa burst out laughing with relief. He also felt relieved at that.

"Go attended your wounds. "She dismissed him. They all waked away. Soon they heard a twig snapping. They were all on their feet. The figure stopped. Then slowly emerged from the shadows taking off the hood. Then the person behind her stepped also in the light. Gabriel and Mernique. He didn't know if he should throttle them or hug them. Thay though vanished when he saw her.

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