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He could feel her slowly leave never land... leaving him. He gave her premison to leave. He though their love would be strong enough for her to stay by his side. He flinched for he could no longer feel her presence anymore. She was gone... For good.  He felt his blood turn cold and the island around him turn into an ice land. He could see his breath through the air how cold it got. The island is him.

If his mood change so does the islands temperature and weather. The Lost Boys tensed up knowing their leader was in a cold and cruel mood do to the weather. Pan stomped off to the Skull Island. The hour glass was running. It was half full. He was running out of time. "Shadow I need to you. "Pan said calling on his shadow. He apeared in front of Pan in a blink of an eye.  The shadow was probably the only other thing more terrifying than Pan on this island. "You called? "It said in an ancient cold voice. "You were wrong about the Girl!  She was not a true believer! Just another girl! "Pan spat at the shadow.

He felt a pang at his heart for saying all that things about Wendy. He didn't really believe it but she hurted him by leaving him. "Where is another true believer? "Pan asked hopeful.

He doesn't have long probably a year or two on Earth. Here time works different. "Your in luck I think I found another one. "He said. Pan felt a little relaxed now. It would be easy. Take their  heart, kill them . It will be a piece of cake. "Well wat are we standing here then for? We have another believer to find. "Pan said and walked out the cave and made ready to go to Earth.

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