Dark turning

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The alarm went off for like 15 minutes. She groaned. Why? Why can't it be a weekend? She crawled herslef out off bed and went to her wardrobe. She didn't want to wear anything fancy just good enough clothes. She took her red shirt with the long, loose visible sleeves and she pulled it over her head. She wore dark blue jeans . She laced up her black sneakers. She wore her heart necklace her mother had bought for her 13 birthday.

She is now 14 this year starting new with highschool. It was already the third term of school. Not much happened in the first two terms. I mostly just took a book to school to read at break. She was a book wurm, from when she could remember she was reading. Her room was stacked with books. Her mom is also a book wurm so they share a lot of books with each other. A lot changed in the end of the second term. Bryan Bradville the hottest guy in our school aksed me out! I still can't believe were dating. She quickly glanced at the mirror. She nearly stumbled at her reflection.

Her chocolate brown eyes had dark sirkles under them, her brown curly long hair was sticking out everywhere and she looked dead pale. Even though her skin is tanned brown. She quickly tried covering the black sirkels with make up and combed her hair and put it in a pony tail then braided the other piece of her hair over her head like a crown. She looked a lot better now. She started walking down the stairs towards the kitchen. She found her mom was packing everyones lunch. She quickly rapped her arms around her mothers shoulders an attempt to scare her. Her mother yelped and spun around.

She then looked at me with ice cold eyes because I burst into laughter. She smiled"You are going to give me a heart attack Mernique! "Her mom said also laughing. Her mom is very beautiful. She has the same chocolate brown eyes and brown hair. Our personalities are very much the same. We both are very kind and try to treat other with respect even if they didn't deserve it. Her whole life she was only kind to peopel and they still teased her and treated her like an outsider. Her mom had two things different from her daughter. She had short straight hair and she was a little shorter than me.

I wasn't really tall but I wasn't short... I think I am in the middle. Her thoughts were interrupted by her brother shuffling and signing into the kitchen. Roland was the oldest between his three siblings. She was unfortunately not lucky enough to be an only child or one sibling child. She had two younger siblings, who are twins but one is female and other is male. Kyla and Carlos her dearest younger siblings. Kyla had long straight black hair with chocolate brown eyes just like me. The same with Carlos expect he had short curly black hair and also had chocolate brown eyes.

They were both now 10 years old. Roland my older brother looks a lot like me. I mean we could be twins. He has short curly brown hair and brown chocolate eyes. He was 2 years older than her and a lot taller then her. She just rolled her eyes at her annoying brother. We were all running to the front door. I stopped at my father's office. We never really had a good father, daughter bond. He is divorced to her mother and only stayed for the kids. He spends most of his time in his office and at work.

He had black curly hair, blue ocean eyes, a mustache and his face was pulled in a scowl as he looked at the paper. "Good Bye dad. " I said he didn't even hear her. She shook her head. My mom would be dropping off the two twins. Roland has his own scooter which he rides to school everyday. Mernique walks to school and back. She quickly swung her backpack on her shoulder. She almost forget something. She grabbed her book and opend the door The morning air was hitting against her face. She held the book tighter and started walking her route. What was strange is Bryan wasn't waiting for her by the gate like he usually does. Instead her best friend was there. She had long, straight blonde hair and she had light blue eyes. She was leaning on the gate, arms folded. "Charlotte? "Mernique asked confused. She smiled.

She was a lot shorter than me. I walked over to her and gave her a hug. "What are you doing here? "I asked concerned. Her friend looked worried and was shuffling a lot. She was hiding something. Mernique didn't like this but she walked with her friend. She held the book tighter against her chest. She looked at the title. Peter Pan. She have read this book like a million times. This book got her through middle school and now it will also with highschool. When they walked through the gates she saw Bryan talking to Mackenzie. A very odd feeling past through me. Mackenzie folded her arms around his neck. She was smiling and her face was so close to his. He was laughing making no attempt to push her off. Mernique felt tears stinging her eyes. She stood taller and walked a little closer to eavesdrop. "So when are you dumping her? "Mackenzie said flirty. Mernique felt sick. "Soon... Soon my love. "He said smiling. Tears dropped down her face. Charlotte hugged her tightly.

She sobbed. She felt like her whole world was crashing down. Mernique stood up and ran to class while the tears were spilling on her cheeks. The hole day she was miserable. At break she would slip to the secret trees and slide down and held the book close to her chest. She was silently crying. Why? She was only kind to him! The bell rang and she shuffled to get to class. When she entered the room Bryan was staring at her. She looked immediately away. The day went on. The last class for the day everyone kept throwing notes and tapping on her to get to turn to Bryan.

She just ignored them. She has 5 minutes before the school bell rings and Bryan would come to her. She can't go home... He will follow me. The bell cut through her thoughts. Mernique stormed out of the class. She would wait him out and then go home. She knows the spot. The school garden! She heard him call out to her but she kept walking. When she reached the garden she immediately slumped against a tree and started crying over again. She held her book so tightly as if it is the only thing stopping her from fading away. She didn't know that a shadow was watching her.

(3 hours later)

She suddenly opened her eyes. She looked at her watch and felt panic strike her heart. She looked at the sky hoping her watch was just over timed. No... It was nearly dark. Her parents would kill her! She walked home just in time to see her brothers car pull up. When he climbed out off the car he walked funny. He waved at his friends as they drove off then he crashed on the front doorsteps. She quickly ran to aid her brother. She put her one arm around her brothers shoulders and dragged him inside. He reaked of Alcohol.

She walked with him upstairs. Mernique was struggling a bit for her brother wasn't light. She made him fall in bed. She threw the covers over him. She walked out of his room shutting off the light and she closed his door. She rubbed her sore arms. He owes her a chocolate. She saw the twins running in the hall. She grabbed them and spun them in the air. She played pirates with them. The time flied by. It was nearly 9 o clock. She put both the twins in bed and then starting reading Peter Pan to them. They soon fell asleep and so did she....

A sudden crash made her eyes flung open and she shot up in the bed. The twins was still sleeping. She smiled and shut the light off and closed they're door. Mernique looked at her brothers door. Still closed.... What did make that noise? She slowly tipped toe down the stairs. She peeked through the kitchen door where the sound of voices where. Her dad was yelling at her tired mom. "He is lazy! He came drunk home again! I saw Mernique carry him upstairs... She should stop defending her brother! She was also here nearly at dawn! She shouldn't be out this late! Plus a boy came by looking for her! This is unacceptable! "My father roared at my mother. She looked very tired. "She can take care of her... "My mom was saying before father interrupted her. She looked annoyed at him "She lives under my roof! She lives then under my rules! "He said his eyes blazing with anger.

She was death scared but kept on watching. "She is not a object you own! " My mom stood up and yelled at him. My dad slapped my mom across the face. A red mark sat on her left cheek. Tears were forming in her eyes also with blazing anger. She slapped her dad who pushed her hard into a wall knocking her out. She stared at horror at him. She ran to push with all her might her farther. He stumbled. He looked with blazing anger at her. He slapped her across the face then grabbed her arm and tried dragging her out off the kitchen. His hand was gripping her arm hard. She screamed and slapped him, begging him to let her go. He grabbed her with one hand around the neck and gripped hard cutting her oxygen. He slammed her in the wall.

She groaned in pain and coughed as his grip got tighter. He laughed. "No one cares about you... Don't you see it? " He said hissing in her ear. She was starting to see black spots. She then kicked the sensitive spot and he screamed in pain. He let her go. She fell on the ground coughing and crawled to the secret taser they keep for emergencys. She fired it just as her father got up again. He screamed and soon fell to the ground knocked out. Silent tears were spilling on her cheeks. She ran to her mother in the kitchen. She silently helped her up and took most off her weight and layed her mother in bed. She pulled the blankets over her.

She kissed her mothers head"I'm so sorry... I just... Can't take it anymore. "With tears still falling she turned around and took a bag and packed clothes and books. She was tired of being here. She wish she could be in Neverland. No rules, you never grow up... Your free. She closed her door. Mernique went to the one spot she could think off... The garden. She didn't know someone was watching and someone else was waiting for her...

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