The Message

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Night was falling across the sky. Pan stood at the window. Trying to get some fresh air. The cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

He fell asleep. He went in early. He looked at the bonfire. He saw his boys laughing, smiling and cracking jokes. Pan whished he could share their joy. His heart was pounding in his chest. His head hurt. He rubbed his eyes.

It was noon when he went to take a nap. He had the most horrible dreams. He kept dreaming of Mernique screaming in pain. Her head being pulled into the water, choking to death. It get worse. She gets totured brutally.

By the time the dream was over Pan already fell of the bed. Pan felt uneasy and his knuckles ached to punch something. He stormed out of the hut. He really hoped she was there when he was awake telling him everything is fine, she is here... she is safe...  When he woke up in a dark room... alone he knew something was wrong.

He slid down the ladder, ignoring his wound. He stayed in the shadows and he saw that none of them was back yet. Back by noon. Back by noon my foot!  He tried sensing her again if he might find her. He kicked frustrated at the ground. Nothing! Not even a sense if she is alive or... Dead.

Where are they?  Maybe Felix heard something... He walked towards Felix. Felix's was staring at the fire well the others was telling thsjr Hunter stories. Felix loves telling his stories and listen to other stories. If you wanted to talk to him is that the best topic to use.

He casually strolled up and sat next to his friend. He was only staring at infront of him. Not paying attention to anything... "You know if you stare harder it might burn on your eyeballs. "He said teasing his friend and bumping him on the shoulder to snap him out of his daze.

Felix shook his head slightly. "I think that is what I'm trying to do. "He said chuckling have to himself. Pan couldn't help laughing at his friend reaction.

"Where were you? " Felix asked curios. "Around here... "Pan said shrugging. Felix just shook his head. He stared at the woods as if waiting for someone to appear through there. Pan looked down and saw Felix was gripping something.

He squinted his eyes at the object in his hands. It looked like a charm. Those special kind of charms that if you have the other piece you can communicate telepathically.

This made Pan wonder if Sarien has the other piece. "So... are the girls back yet or did they become so small that I don't see them? "He asked sarcastic. Felix glared at Pan. He couldn't help laughing. Felix soon chuckled with him.

"I don't know you know girls they take forever with everything... "He said shrugging. Yes, but he has a bad feeling that they might be in trouble and usually his gut is always right.

Blade was staring at the wood. "Hey Blade! Watch out! The boogy man will come for you! "One of the boys said  teasing him then punching him in the arm.

Blade grabbed him by the collar,  shaking him. "No, because I'm the boogy monster! "He snarled letting his teeth show and his eyes turn yellow. The kid screamed and yanked himself out of Blades grip.  He ran screaming away.

Everyone burst out laughing. "Never gets old... "Felix said while he was chuckling. "Blade... "Pan said through his laughter. "What? He asked for it! "Blade said defending himself.

Pan only shook his head still chuckling. That kid would never be the same again... Blade shook his head. Suddenly he stood up and he growled. Teeth bared, eyes yellow and threatening. Pan soon saw a figure slowly making it's way towards them. 

Any hope of that being Mernique went out the door. The figure was walking slowly. Observing... The shadow was tall. Sloppy movements. Their head turning lazily around the camp as if they are bored. The boys noticed their sudden still movements, narrowed eyes. 

They drew their blades keeping it at their feet. With one swift motion they would jump on them. The boys kept their gaze on the woman and them. Waiting...

A woman emerged from the shadows and Pan grabbed Blade by the shoulder and yanked him behind him before he could jump her. Felix get his grip on Blade.  Manda...  He regretted holding Blade back but Pan smiled wickedly. He gestured for Felix to let him go. Blade made a snarling sound and was in minutes he charged forward jumping her.

She screamed as Blade tackled her to the ground. With one swift motion Blade was on her, pinning her escape. He only stood there...  growling at her. "Agh! Dog breathe! Get off me! "She snarled at him.  Blade made no motion to get off her, only growled deeper. He looked like he might tore her apart in pieces. " Well, well. Who do we have here? "Pan asked mocking her, peering over his shoulder at the furious woman.

Her dark midnight hair was sprawled over thr forest floor. Ice cold blue eyes was staring at him trying to pierce his very soul and a hand that held a dagger ready to plunge it in the next persons heart. "Ice you Pan! Get this mutt of me! "She screamed furious trying to break Blades grip on her.

" Why would I do that? "Pan said with  lazy grin. Last time Black Beards crew was here they blew up the whole camp.
He wanted to grab her by the throat and strangle the life out of her. "Because I have a message for you... "Manda said looking at the crowd of lost boys gathered behind Pan

. "I don't want your message! Leave! You know the rules. "He snarled at her turning his back. She is lucky he doesn't put her in a cage. He turned around bored at this conversation.  "Wait!... Don't you want to know? "She called back to him her throat hoarse from Blade strangling her with his foot.

"Don't care! "He called back to her with a snicker. "Pan! Why would Black sent me here if it wasn't good? He knows your rules. Trust me... It's good wat he has to say... It will benefit you too. "She said her voice fading a little while Pan walked away. He stopped. What has good old Black in store for them?

He hated the fact that, that smiley slug would set foot on Neverland again. But he does want to see what he has than rob him blindly. It would at least distract him from the missing Mernique thing.
  So... let's play a little game with good old Black Beard.

Manda  was struggling against Blades grip.  Peter sighed, not believing the next words leaving his mouth. "It better be. Or your head is next on my list. "He snarled at her. The Islands air suddenly turned cold against his skin. He ignored it and motioned for Blade to get off her. He strode away hearing her coughing historically as the air rushed back into her lungs.

Black Beard wants something. Maybe this is his chance to get rid of his enemy once and for all.  Felix was shaking his head. "Gather the men. Were going to rob good old Black in his own game. So who wants to play a game? "Pan asked looking at his boys, smiling devilishly.

They looked uncomfortable but their faces soon joined him. They knew one thing is for sure. Mernique changed Pan to good. To his old Peter self. Without Mernique... there is no Peter. And no Peter means...  Pan has returned from the dead once again and he isn't done yet...

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