The Secret

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When Mernique dropped Sarien of camp she hurried towards Pan's hut. She is still processing everything... Her sister could be alive! No... No. It's a trick it couldn't be...

Mernique climbed the ladder. She opened the door and ducked not to bump her head. Pan still looked pale. She slowly walked towards him. She whished she could talk to Pan the one person that understood her. He always has a plan.

She sat on the egde of the bed. Pan's bandage was changed but fresh blood bloom again. She took his hand and she sighed in defeat. His hand was very warm. She doesn't know if that is a good thing or bad thing. Mernique decided to skip her meal and just sit here. She didn't want to look at Sarien. Remind her every second what she has once lost.

She sighed and let the tears flow down. She sobbed silently in her free hand. Why is everything so complicated? Why if her sister was alive would her mother lie to her? She didn't know that her mark and his mark was shinning in the dark night.

She suddenly felt tired and drained as if someone was draining her... She pulled the chair closer Pan use to sleep in. She sat down and felt herself sinking away in sleep.


Pan was only in the darkness. He would sometimes here peoples voices. Mostly it's Mernique's and Felix's voices. He could never forget those two voices.

There was a stabbing pain in his chest. He could feel himself slipping. Until he felt the heat pouring into his body. The mark burned against his side.

When Pan opened his eyes it was dark and the only light pouring in the room was from the candle at his bedside and the from the moon shinning in from the windows.

Pan struggled in a sitting position. Where was he? He looked like he was in his hut. What happened after the battle? The last thing he remembered was the sword that cut in his skin.

He never felt a burning pain like that. And screaming... very loud screaming. Pan shuddered at that thought. He was bandaged around his chest. The blood was still blooming on the fabric.

He doesn't understand how could he be awake? He couldn't heal himself and this wound takes more than just a few days to heal. He looked around the room.

He saw a brunette haired girl asleep next to him. She was gripping his hand hard. She was very pale and had tear stains on her face. "Mernique? "He whispered gripping her hand.

He felt the girl stir and she shook her head, waking herself up. She blinked the sleep from her eyes. She looked down at her hand. "Pan? "She whispered like she couldn't believe it.

"Hey, so tell me what did I... miss... "He said his cheerfulness fading. Mernique was staring at him. The tears froming in her eyes. She suddenly jumped up and buried her head in the crook of his neck. Her arms wrapped around his neck.

He felt her visibly shake against him. What happened? Then he remebered the voices. They need you... I need you. I think I fell inlove with you since I was a kid. Pan felt himself blush. Love? She loves me?

He felt her tears spill on his shoulder. "Your okay... I'm so glad your alright. I don't know what I do without you." She said sobbing a little. He smiled and held her in his arms. Soothing her with comforting words. Why did his heart skip a beat when he heard her say those words? Could he... Could he love her back? That is not possible... It's as good as a chance that Charlotte girl is a werewolf.

"Hey, don't cry. If I knew you'd miss me that much I might have been more careful. "He said laughing a bit. She shook her head. "Your unbelievable... "She said in a soft whisper. "I know huh? "He said teasing her a bit.

When she released him he felt sad. It was nice to have her so close. He could smell her hair which somehow always reminded him from home... She smiled at him. "Felix would be happy to see your okay. "She said.

"Why is everyone so worried. Don't they know Pan never fails. "He said winking at her. She laughed nearly breaking into a sob again. "I missed you. "She said with a sad smile.

He actually missed her too. He only kept thinking of her in that void. Her smile, her kindness, her courage. "I missed you too. "He whisperd not sure if she heard him. He already swung his legs around the bed. Mernique saw and she was in a flash infornt of him pushing back down.

"Oh no you don't! Your staying here... "She gestured to the room. "I can't stand staying in this room any longer. How long was I out? "He asked stretching his legs. It felt like he was asleep for three days.

"Well three days top. "She said looking outside. "What happened after I was stabbed? "Pan asked curios. Mernique's face suddenly had a pain expression. "Maybe ask Felix he'll tell you better. "She said hurriedly. What was she hiding?

Pan stood up. She hurried by his side. Pan's chest pained but not so much anymore. "Here let's go. "She said slumping his arm around her neck.

"Thank you... "He whispered knowing there is no point fighting. They ducked out of the hut. She looked down and she smiled suddenly. Why? What is she going to do? Suddenly they was a warm feeling spreading up his side then they landed on the grounded.

"Hey your getting better with the teleporting. "He said smiling. He was proud that she learned so fast, that she wasn't afraid to try. 'Yeah a lot better than you. "She said winking at him.

"Hey! Don't get cocky! "He said playfully bumping her shoulder. She couldn't help laughing. He missed her laugh. "Me? Cocky? Never! " She said through the laughter.

He could only shake his head. Then he saw the boys eyes light up. Pan sure know one thing. It's good to be back...

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