Fall of Memory

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Pan hoped this was enough to make her trust him. When he landed he noticed she fell asleep on his shoulder. Her breathing was steady and the moonlight was shinning on her sleeping face. She looked very beautiful. He lifted her in his arms. He carried her back to his Hut. She didn't have a tent or Hut so she would have to sleep there for now. He came at the ladder and flied up. He quickly swifted his grip so he could open the door then he ducked inside. He carried her to his bed. He put her gently in his bed and threw the fur covers her.

He shut of the light then sat in the chair and layed back to fall asleep. He didn't think she would be comfortable to share. Well not yet... The plan is working. Tommorw he would give her tour of Neverland. He felt the sleep taking over. He only slept for a few moments before noises made his fly open. He tried scanning the room and let his eyes get use to the dark environment. He saw it was Mernique... rolling around. She was having a nightmare. He stood up. She was crying and shaking. He tried seening what she is dreaming about. Peter saw the father, unconscious mother, brothers and sister.

Then another apeared off the boy who attacked her in the gardens. He let go. Pan didn't know what to do but he took her by shoulders and shook her gently. She opened her slowly as confusing came into her eyes. She shot up and nearly knocked heads with him. He didn't move. Pan watched her. The tears were still falling from her cheeks. He gently rubbed her back. She tensed and her eyes looked at him. She looked away and pulled her knees up and held her arms around her knees. She sighed "Sorry if I... I... waked you. "She whisper softly looking at the wall. Pan didn't say anything because it was true but he couldn't say that he would sound mean and he want her on his side.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gave it a comforting squeeze. She put her head on his shoulder. He felt weird that she trusted him so well. She was shaking. He gently squeezed her. She soon stopped crying and shaking and her breathing was slower. Pan couldn't move or he would wake her. He layed a bit back till his head was against the wall. He stretched his legs out. He just sat there in the dark holding Mernique the girl who's hart he is going to steal.

Mabye she isn't a true believer... mabye she is just a normal girl Pan doesn't need to kill to live. Why does he even care? He is Pan for heaven's sake! He can do anything and kill anyone! Why can't he just stab the girl, and watch her gasp in shock, fall to the ground.... Blood blooming on her clothes... Struggling to breath, betrayal and hurt in her eyes. Why can't he see her take her last breath and the life fading out off her eyes? He looked at her peaceful sleeping on his shoulder.

He looked at her at her most vulnerable and thought she was the most beautiful creature he has ever seen. He soon also fell asleep with his head on her head. This was the most and best sleep he has had in a lifetime and after Wendy left.


Mernique was sleeping on something comfortable and warm. She heard a soft beating in her ears. Thump, Thump, Thump. Is it heartbeats? She slowly opened her eyes. She nearly had a heart attack. She was lying on Pan's chest. Jer arms were folded around him as if you hold a teddy that you sleep with. She could feel her cheeks turning red with the blush forming. She slowly turned to

Pan who had one arm around her and the other around his head. He actually looked very cute when he was sleeping .No! She scolded at herself. How was she going to get out off this without waking Pan? Why is he so comfortable?! Sudden movement made her close her eyes again but only open them a little so she can see what he is doing. She felt Pan stretching. His one hand gently tug the hair that was in her face and put behind her ear. He took his one finger and twirled my hair. She hope he couldn't see her blushing or feel her racing heartbeat against her chest.

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