A Wolf

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(A/N you can start playing the music here!)

I was watching their bows being pulled back ready to be realesed. There was no choice. She would have to fight. When they shot she let her hand out and focus on stopping the arrows.  They all stopped in mid air. She felt a sudden change. Her eyes started glowing yellow like theirs. She pushed the arrows toward the sky. She reached up from the Earth that vines started to grow on their legs and pull then to their knees.

She made the vines grow around their neck to keep them steady but not choking them. She then shot a spark of light from her hands towards the other half that dodged the vines.

She summoned her powers to the middle. She let a giant golden flame erupt from her hands. She was forming it, molding it. She held it firm as the energy grew more stronger and uncontrollable. She then shot her arms out releasing it as it went like a wildfire. The trees roots where grabbing and trapping them. Vines pulled around their neck and then pulled them in the tree.

The wave knocked everyone off their feet and made them tumble to the ground one by one. Soon they were lying like bodies infront of her. She felt  the power surge calm once again in her body and then she felt the fire creeping in her bones.

She slowly sat down trying to catch her breathe. Where have all these soldiers come from?  Now she is worried about the children. Will they be able to defend their self's. She has one advance and that is magic. They do not have magic and could barley throw a knife. These hooded figures might think they are a meal. She slowly stood up, groaning as the pain in her side was scorching her skin.

She slowly moved North hoping to move towards camp grounds. Something was off about this side of the wood. It as if all the animals have vanished and all the plants and trees are sitting here like prices. They weren't even green but had black leaves. She remembered the more she moved this way the more faster and stronger the figures became. Like Creature's of the night. 

She started to realize her movement had become more slower. Each step she took she felt a banging hammer in her head. Her feet became soon two left feet and she only nearly stumbled or falled down. Her head was spinning. Is this her wound or is this what happens to people who comes to this side of the woods. She could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest. Soon tiny voices far and distant ringed in her ear. She scanned the place but no sign of life.

The noises, banging in her head. She leaned against one of the trees to catch her breathe. She shot her head around to see if the figures or if  Rick caught up. She then moved again. Soon she heard rustling again. She looked panicked around to see what made that noise. She really hoped it was just an animal. Even though she knew the chances of that is slim.  She started running faster using the little energy she has left.

She stopped dead in her tracks. Two figures stood infront of her who was  wearing hooded clothes. Looks like they're back's were turned on her. A sneak attack. Why did they feel and look so familiar? She shook her head and summoned her powers like she did tonight. The pain in her side was unbearable. She felt the familiar tingle of heat under her skin. She felt the glow in her eyes. Soon the spark became a massive golden flame. She raised it in the sky readying to fire. She saw both the figures spinning around. Perfect timing. She realesed the flame from her hands and shot it towards them.

It went sailing like a harpoon towards them. The taller figure dived out of the way and fell to the ground and the other one held his hands out and a spark of green escaped his hands. It clashed with hers and had so much power and energy it burst knocking them both off their feet. She flung six or seven feet back landing hard on the cold damp ground. That was the final straw. If they want to come let them come. She will just find way to escape. She is a Rose after all, nothing gets in her way.

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