Power Reborn

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Mernique was baffled at what just happened. She felt physically more drained and exhausted and her leg was burning. She flinched in pain. She slowly crawled to her friend.

Charlotte was shaking. She tried lifting her friend in a small hug. Rubbing her back, whispering to her calming words. Her friend was limp on her shoulder. She used every bit of strength she had to stand up. She bit on her teeth through the pain and tried not to stand so much on the leg. She pulled up with her but she nearly fell over at her weight.

She put her hands under Charlotte's arms and began to drag her slowly. Soon she found a good hiding spot away from all the fighting. She sank to the ground with Charlotte, hiding in plain sight. She cradled Charlotte in her arms so her friend could sleep peacefully. She looked around. She saw her dagger was still so far from her. How was she going to get it?

She tried the stupidest thing ever and reached her hand out as if just trying to reach for it. The dagger lifted a little and came with a thundering speed towards her. It was in her hand in seconds. Her eyes went wide but she decided not to dwell on it. She kept the dagger with her.

She soon heard the fighting stop and silence was once again in the woods. She wondered what happend. She couldn't see if anyone was injured or if they we're captured. A sudden jolt in her body she felt footsteps coming her way. Soon heard footsteps cracking leaves.

She already readied herself. Soon a figure stepped out and she pointed the dagger at the person. Immediately their hands went up in surrender and she saw it was Blade. She sighed relieve, lowering the weapon.

"What happened? "She asked Blade, worried that one of her friend might be hurt. "The battle ended, we took them as hostages. "Blade explained. "Was anyone hurt?" She asked. He shook his head "No not many only a few. " He said. His eyes went then to the figure in her arms.

He was staring at her like he never ever has seen a girl before. Mernique smiled silently to herself. He stood dumbfounded but only stared at her. "Would you help me carry her? " She asked snapping him from his trance.

He nodded his head. He strode towards her then bent and put his one arm under her legs and the other went to her waist. He lifted her with no effort at all as if he is a prince that carries damsels. Charlotte wouldn't have liked me saying she is a damsel and would definitely say she can safe herself she doesn't need a man.

Mernique slowly pushed herself up and tried not to add to much weight on her leg. She suddenly lost balance and stepped on her injured leg. She cried out then she fell to the ground right on her butt. Blade looked at her panicked but she held out her hand to say she is fine.

She blew out a frustrated breathe then tried again to stand. "Hey! Wait! Your only hurting yourself even more! "Blade tried to warn her.

She ignored him and stumbled to her feet. She was gritting her teeth trying to tell him she is fine, nothing to worry about. Then she wanted to mentally slap herself. She's got powers... She can heal. She stretched her hands out to her leg and felt warm sensation. Soon her the pain in her leg was nearly gone.

Then she stepped on her leg and was glad the pain was gone. She followed Blade back to the camp. The camp was buzzing alive. She searched for a familiar golden hair. Blade carried Charlotte to the infirmary. When they entered she saw a few people lying in pain in the beds.

She gulped. Some of them was injured bad. Blade layed Charlotte carefully across the bed. Soon someone inspected her. "It's only a drug. They must have given it to her when they captured her. She just needs to sweat it off.  "He said. She nodded glad it was nothing serious.

She looked at the other people then her hands. Hey if you got powers why not use them?  She walked to the first injured person. She touched his leg where a gash was. He looked questionly at her. The wound soon disappeared. He gasped and looked at his leg then her. "Thanks" He muttered. She nodded.

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