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Senique was surprised at the girls actions. She blinked. She saw Pan was still standing behind her. For a Master he is too involved. Too attached. He narrowed his eyes at her. "Don't worry. Your student would return to you shortly. Why don't you wait until she comes back. She would probably be very confused. "She said standing slowly up. Sometimes she forgets she needs to act old.

"Alright. "He answered and returned to the camp. Senique went back to the beach. She had asked Ricardo one of the Gaurds to help. He is the only one that really knows how she really looks and what she is doing right now. When she arrived she let the form fade. She saw Ricardo bending over her looking for any damage. She was very pale and didn't look like she was breathing.

She warned her. Don't die or take too long but what she did. She did to save her family and Neverland. The love that erupted through her when she released the fire. She has never felt anything so powerful. She thought her last fear was seeing what her brother might become one day but it was to lose her lover. She didn't even care if he loved her or not. She would still give him everything.

She saved him. Even when he loved another. She stared at the girl. She bend down. "She isn't responding. "Ricardo replied. He was soaking wet. He must have dived in after her. "Will she remember what she has seen? "He asked looking down at her. She shook her head. "They don't remember. We spare them that at least. "She said and felt her heart beating rapidly.

Come on Mernique just get up already. She couldn't be... She passed with flying covers. "Mernique? "She whispered gently shaking the girl. No respond. She bowed her head. No, another one bites the dust. She sighed heavily. She really liked this one. Suddenly she saw the girl gasp and when she opened her eyes she saw her eyes were yellow her, mark at her side burning.

The Phoenix protected her. The girl is really just like her father. She is a Dragon Master. She rolled to her side and coughed up water. "She passed. "Ricardo said with a smile. She nodded. Mernique looked dazed and her eyed focused and unfocused like she was struggling to stay awake. Senique handed the little bottle in her pocket to him. "Use this. It will help her sleep and to keep the nightmares at bay. It would also restore her strength by morning. Almost like it never happend. "She said and helped her to her feet.

"Aren't you coming? "He asked supporting her whole weight. "No, I must tell them she is fine and just sleeping. "She said. He nodded and half dragged the girl towards the huts. Senique shifted back into Halga. She walked towards the camp. It was luck she found her rider. She thought she lost her. Her brother lost his rider and so did her father and grandfather.

They all were connected to the Rose family. She saw the fire burning. She heard faint laughter when she walked closer she saw it was the gaurds. She saw Rossa sitting with her head in her hands. She moved to her to play the role of the maid. "Madame. Are you alright? "She asked hearing the old womans voice.

"No, Halga. I'm worried about my youngest son. He was cursed with the sleep of death and now my daughter is missing. "She said with a heavy sigh. "Which daughter? Madame. "She asked looking carefully at her. "Mernique. She hasn't come back since the incident with Henry. When he dissapeared I told her he moved away. Now he is gone and then she realized he was a Dragon Master. I'm afraid it might be too much to handel. "Rossa said looking up at her.

"Madame. Mernique is a strong girl. She'll be fine and beside I have seen her. She said she was exhausted and going to bed. She is safe. "She answered. She saw the relieve spill on Rossa's face. "Wait... She hasn't had dinner yet. "Rossa said in thought. "She said she was too tired to eat. Madame. I offered. "She lied a bit. What she didn't know couldn't hurt her. Rossa went pale. "Mernique would never miss dinner. Maybe I should check on her. "She said and stood up.

Another Chance Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon