The Creatures Of Night

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Mernique woke up in the same position when she first have read the journal. She was starting right at the setting sun. Bathing the sky and water in an explosion off light. She groaned and stretched slowly. Flinching at her acing side. She stood up, placing the journal in a on the bedside table. Making her way to the door she swung it open.

The cold afternoon air was already rising. She stepped one foot on the ladder before she smiled and slid down. Ignoring her throbbing hands and the pain in her side. She is not that helpless. All these events the past days made her think.

It's time for a change. If Pan returns she will ask him to train her. If what her father said is true and someone is after the Rose family. They will soon figure out she is alive or already did. She can either be an easy target or she could make this hole hunting thing a game and give the hunter a lot of trouble catching his prey.

She will not go down not without a fight. Who knew it took nearly drowning, falling to her death and some journals, daggers and a stab wound to give her this direction. Her farther wrote her that letter to tell her to not just sit down but fight. Fight for your family, the lost boys most of all fight for your survival.  Her boots made a crunching sound as she walked to where all the Younger Lost boys were sitting on a log. Eating and laughing at each other. She smiled it made her think of home.

She has to make this her home. And by doing that should would have to make the other Lost boys her friends." So finally decided to come? "A familiar voice asked. She turned around and saw Blade leaning against a  tree arms folded across his chest. He didn't look so stern like he did before but more relaxed. "Well I can't stay in my Hut all day it gets boring you know. "She said teasingly. A ghostly smile appeared on his face and he walked right past her.

She stepped in line with him. She sat on one of the logs and he sat next to her. No one even paid attention to her. Only after everyone ate and drinked they started looking at her. Their food is not that bad she realized or it could also be because she hasn't eating anything in two days. "Can girls fight? "Suddenly one of the Lost boys spoke out of nowhere.

He looked about nine to ten years old. She though he must have spoken to one of the others but when silence fell she knew he was talking to her. "Well we... "She was starting to say when the other boys snorted. "Oh please! Everyone knows girls can't fight all they really can do is cook. " The other started laughing softly and she heard Blade also softly laughing before she elbowed him in his side. 

He yelped rubbing his side and shot her a glare. "Girls can do anything boys can do. "Mernique stated. The boys nodded their head. "Then boys can do it better than girls. "He said shrugging. She shot him a glare. She really wanted to smack him but she though of something else. "I bet my aim is better than all of you. "She challenged them. They all burst out laughing.

Blade was the only one who wasn't laughing probably,  because he didn't want to be elbowed again. "Then let's see. Do you have anything we can use for target practice? "She asked turning to Blade for he was the oldest out of all the boys. He would have gone on the hunt with Pan if he wasn't cursed.  He was at least Pan's age. Blade thought a moment.

He quickly broke a piece of the log and carved on four circles. The smallest circle in the middle and made it grew bigger and bigger. He gave a few boys knives. The boys threw the knives and it only hit in the fourth, third circle. Only one boy could at least hit the second circle. Blade went up next. His throws were strong and straight. It hit right on target. The center.

He threw another and another. They all clapped for him. She couldn't help but clap for him also laughing. He walked to her side. "Arent you show in off a little bit? "She asked laughing. He shrugged. "Pan trained me personally plus these kids  only have a few practice sessions. "Blade said laughing.

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