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Hey there! XxcutieshanexX here! Now I have 3 new books for you. But first things first.

▪Unexpected - Miyuki's past will reveal and she'll be in a world that she didn't expected. And also all the truth about her past will REVEAL!!!!

 And also all the truth about her past will REVEAL!!!!

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Well... I'll publish more chapters after I finish my book Boruto: Naruto the Movie 😊. I'm also busy.. And I'm concentrating more on my other books. Sorry..... 😔😔

▪Into the Web - People are getting missing. Rumors said there's a message before they disappear. Hayami Haru, a 1st year student, meets an App and the people who're kidnap are in the dark web. Then their adventure begins!!

 Then their adventure begins!!

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Well.. It's kinda more like a fanfic and I know that some of you don't know what anime this is. But only their names are similar. I hope you enjoy this 😄😄😅😅😓

▪ファンタジーの別の世界(Another World of Fantasy) - A girl who wants to take revenge to a gang of killers who massacred a city.....


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Well.... I'm also concentrating on this book. It has a little fanfic and you might know this. Actually it's 2 animes. They may be similar but I make it different here. This is for who fell in love with a person--- I think 😓😓

So these are my books. I'll try to make more chapters..... I promise... But I hope you'll enjoy these 3 books and also the chapters. They can be interesting.... Hahahahah XD!!! BYE BYE... See ya, nya 😊😊😇😇

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