Chapter 6

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When they're sucked in a portal, the Boruto and Miyuki lands on some vines. The place looks like a cave and the ground is full of water.

"Where is this?", Boruto asked.

"I think we're in the place where Nue lives," Miyuki said.

"We need to find the class rep"

Now they're starting to find her and later Boruto's eye activated.

"Boruto you see something?"

"Yeah.... It's the thing I kept seeing. It was connected to this place," Boruto said and he runs to a trunk and then Nue goes out and tries to attack Boruto. Boruto dodges.

"You! You finally show up. Where'd you put the Class Rep?!.... Did you really eat her?"

"Boruto, she 's not dead yet. I can sense her chakra"


"We can talk later. We need to do something"

Nue attacked and they dodge it. Boruto does a hand signal and there are 4 of them. "Miyumi, let's go". Miyuki nod and they attack it. Boruto use his clones to do some strategy. And he stab Nue on its forehead. Later, Nue roared and Boruto fly to the air and lands and bump infront of the trunk. "Boruto! You ugly animal.... Take this!". Miyuki punch Nue and because of Miyuki's strong punch Nue is been knocked out. But it still stands up. Miyuki goes to Boruto.

"Boruto, are you ok"

"Yeah, think so..", Boruto said and Mitsuki goes down to them.


"Class Rep's alive"

"We know. Nue's following her orders, right? So where she could be?"

"Are you two dstill gonna defend her?"

"Are you still going after her?", Boruto said.


"First, we need to do something about him"

Nue charged them and they dodge it. Now, they are after Nue. "Although, it's much smaller than when it first appeared in the village. If we get hit by that, we're in big trouble," Mitsuki said. "Mitsuki, Miyumi, can you stall him?", Boruto asked."Yeah". "I can try.... Wind Style: Immense Breakthrough". Nue fall down when he tries to jump on them. "Chaaaa!". Miyuki punch him. "Miyuki, Mitsuki!". Boruto stab him to his chakra point. "Roar!". And then the paper bombs explodes and some big ropes are falling down. They land on Nue. Later, Nue can't stand up.

"Oh. In any event your eye is amazing. You can see where he's vulnerable. I'll finish this.... Snake Lightning...."

Later a water wall appear and blocks Mitsuki's attack.

"I won't let you kill Nue.  This child is the ultimate weapon I raised for the sake of revenge," Sumire said.

"Class Rep...."

Later, they're up on the trunk talking to Sumire.

"Class Rep, I'll ask just to makes sure... But there's no way that you'll come back with us willingly, is there?", Mitsuki said and tries to go to her but Boruto stop him.

"Come on, Class Rep, let's go back," Boruto said.

"How can you be easygoing about this? I attacked Konohagakure. To me, this is war"

"You mean your parent's war," Boruto said.

"No, it's my war, too! I was taught to fulfill my Father's long-cherished hope. During the chaos of war, my father worked tirelessly for Konohagakure. But when the Great War has ended, he was treated like a criminal. Just because he was from the Foundation"

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