Chapter 26

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After a few days, it's the parents' teacher conference....

"Your grades are all high... Especially about history...."


"I never see something like this.."

"I don't know why your grades gets more higher. In the Academy in Iwagakure your grades are moderate" mom said.

"I guess I'm lucky" Miyuki said.

"Besides It's like I memorize all about this anime. So this is the result"

"So Miyumi, what kind of shinobi do you want to become?"


"What do you want to do? What do you want to become?"

"To be honest, I don't know. I just want to become a shinobi because I inspire someone and also I want to be a shinobi with my friends"

"Don't you have an ambition?"

"Ambition? Hm.... I think I want to be like... The Fifth and Ms. Sakura"


"Because I wanted to be strong like them and I want to surpass them.

"My little one just matured"

"Of course. I'm already a lady, mom"

"Well in order to catch your dreams you have to..."

"Work hard! Right?" Miyuki cut him off.

"Y-yes, that's right. Thank you for coming. You may go"

"Thank you, Shino sensei" Miyuki and her mom said and then he will wait for the next one.

"I'm sure you will reach your dreams, Miyumi...."

Then after the class, she's ready to go home.

"I'm so excited about the Graduation Exam. Now I can be ready anytime. Oh yeah, after the exams, who will be my teamates?..." then Boruto come to her and asks.

"Hey, Miyumi. Can Mr. Sukea ask you for his story. Just a sec, can you?"


"Ok.." he said and prepares his camera.

"Sukea? He seem familiar..."

"Why do you want to become a shinobi?"

"Shinobi?..." Miyuki smirked.

"Well, for me... To protect my family and my friends. Not only them but I wanna serve the whole village even if I break the rules.." Sukea smirked.

"What do you mean 'break the rules'?"

"I don't care if they called me trash. It's because when you don't value you're friends or your comrades, you're worst than that. For me that's the most important thing for me as a shinobi" then Sukea is finish recording.

"Thank you. That was a good answer. What's your name?"

"Miyumi Hanamiki. I hope that answer helps you, Ka... I mean Mr. Sukea" Miyuki smiled.

"I need to go now. Bye, sir.. Bye, Boruto"

"Bye Miyumi..."

"That kid is interesting...." Sukea said.

"Huh? What did you said?"


Later after he interview all of the students Sukea goes to Iruka. And he revealed that he's Kakashi.

"Now why did you have to go and do some things like that?" Iruka asked.

"What's the big deal? I want to meet and talk some students before graduation and verify some things" Kakashi said and his voice is coming back.

"Gathering intel is a basic shinobi duty. And also I was curious"

"You never change, Lord Sixth. You volunteering to supervise the graduation exams is a big help, but please don't be too hard on them"

"I know that. But even if these are peaceful times we can't have kids with contemptuous attitude aiming to become shinobi. Now I wonder how many of them will remain standing. Since my exam can be a little challenging"

"Kids these days changed, you know"

"I have to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"I want to see some files of Miyumi Hanamiki's profile and her records of her tests"

"Why do you want to see it?"

"Maybe I can graduate her already. She already knows the answer to my exam. So I think she doesn't need it. I hope you can agree. Also maybe I can make her the proctor and I'll watch her while the exam is ongoing"

"...If that's what you want then I'll get the files"

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