Chapter 36

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A/N: Sorry if you waited for so long T-T. I was busy for the contest. For HxH fans, read my story Hunters. I can't believe the title has no effort T-T. Anyway, enjoy this chapter 😊.

After a few days Miyuki dreamt about episode 43-50.

Team 7 goes to the hokage building so they will be assign to another mission.

"Ok. The mission assigned to us is a D ranked mission. We just have to bring this scroll to the Kazekage" Tsubasa said.

"Kazekage? That will be a piece of cake!" Ichiro said with his hands behind his neck.

"Yeah, right. But sometimes you're incompetent" Atsuya said.

"What did you say?!"

"Shut up, Ichiro. Other people are looking to us" Miyuki whispers.


"No buts. Just listen to Tsubasa-sensei, ok?" Ichiro do what Miyuki said. Atsuya looked at Miyuki and Miyuki smiles. Atsuya just rolls his eyes.

"Ok. Let's start the mission" Tsubasa said.

"Yes!" the three said.

"Let's go!"

Later they're infront of the Konoha's gate then they run to Hidden Sand Village. They don't know someone is stalking them from the bushes.

"Sensei, how far is the Hidden Sand Village?" Miyuki asked.

"It's just a few kilometers away. So it's not thay far"

"Oh, I see"

"Hey, hey, Miyumi-chan"


"After the mission, can we have a conversation? We haven't talk for a while since we've met.

"It's ok. You don't have to ask that. Will you join us, Atsuya?" Ichiro's eye twitches.

"I don't have time for that" Atsuya said.

"Maybe next time"

"Don't force him, Miyumi-chan. He's like that ever since" Ichiro said.


"Then let's have a conversation while going to the Hidden Sand Village"

"Huh?" Miyuki goes beside of Atsuya.

"Hey, hey. What do you do everyday after a mission?"

"I train by myself"

"That's it?"

"Why are you so interested?"

"Nothing. Like I said we'll have a conversation"

"Are you really like that?"

"Well, I'm bored"

"I see..."

"Hey, Miyumi-chan. What do you love?" Ichiro asked.

"I love... Hm... A lot of things?"

"Things? Like what?"

"Hm... Sweets. Especially Dango" (Is Dango an example of sweet? I can't remember)

"Dango. Me too" Ichiro said.

"Same here" Atsuya said.

"What? I never knew Dango" Atsuya smiles cooly.

"Are you three having a conversation?" Tsubasa asked.

"Why did you asked, Tsubasa-sensei? Wanna join in too?" Miyuki asked.

"No. I just overheard you three"

"I think Tsubasa-sensei wants to join in. Sometimes he's shy" Ichiro whispers.

"Eh? Hm... I see. Tsubasa-sensei!" Miyuki runs fast to match his speed and Ichiro and Atsuya comes along.

"Tsubasa-sensei, what hobbies do you do?" Tsubasa blushes.


"Why're you turning to a tomato, sensei?"

"Um.. Well.. It's a secret you can't know"

"Secret?" the three said simultaneously and they slow down a little.

"Maybe it's a secret that kids shouldn't know" Atsuya whispers to the two.

"I know" Miyuki said.

"Maybe it's a pervert secret" Ichiro said.

"What? Tsubasa-sensei is a pervert?" Miyuki asked.

"Possible" Atsuya said and Tsubasa overhears them. He blushes and panicks inside.

"WE'RE NEAR THE VILLAGE. UM... 2 KILOMETERS AWAY" he raised his voice.

"Sensei, the village is still far away" Atsuya said.

"Oh, sorry"

"He's panicking" Miyuki whispers. They didn't know someone's watching them.

"Target: Team 7 member-Atsuya Mitoroshi and Ichiro Yayoi" the person said to himself.

A/N: Sorry if you waited and then the chapter was short 😔😔. I just put a little comedy on it so you can laugh even a little. I was super busy. Gomenasai~😿😿😿. Please vote if it's funny and comment your reaction☺☺.

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