Chapter 32

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Miyuki dreamt about episode 39-40. Then she goes to the Academy for their formation of teams.

"Hey, hey, Sarada, Miyumi, what team do you think we'll be on?" Chocho asked.

"You know... We don't even know if we will be on the same team" Sarada said.

"I'll guess. Chocho, maybe you're gonna be team up with Shikadai and Inojin.. You know..." Miyuki said.

"Yeah, yeah. I know but we're so in tune with each other. There's no way we'll be separated" Chocho said.

"If that's the case, Shikadai, let's team up" Boruto said.

"Listen the sensei are the ones who will decide. Anyway, I hated to team up with someone who leaves everything up to chance, like you.You always act without a plan for success" Sarada said and Boruto goes near to her.

"Haven't you heard the phrase 'playing it by ear'?" Boruto asked and Sarada puts a hand on his face.

"You're too close. You're spits flying"

"What will be, will be. You just have to stand ready for it" Iwabe said.

"I'm so excited. I hope we will be together, Sarada" Miyuki said.

"Sensei's here" Namida said looking outside.

"W-we've been waiting for you!" Iwabe said and elbowed Boruto. Miyuki was beside him. Then.....

Boruto kissed Miyuki's cheek.

"Eh?!" Boruto steps back and blushes.

"Miyumi, it was just an..."

"WAAAHHH!!!" Miyuki blushes and she punch him. The wall is fully damaged.

"I-I'm sorry, Boruto!" she said and runs towards him.

"Are you ok?"

"I think so"

"AAAAYYYYIIIIII!!" the class teases.

"What happened here?" Shino asked.

"Sensei, Boruto kissed Miyumi!!"


Boruto and Miyuki looked at each other and they looked away. Then later they're making teams.

"You might have graduated from the Academy but that's noyhing more than a checkpoint" Shino said.

"That's what he say, but no one cried harder than he did during the graduation ceremony"Shikadai said.

"I know right" Boruto said.

"What was that?"


"Your training isn't over. Don't you think you can escape my 'love' after this either"

"Yes, sir" they all said.

"Now before I announce the teams... Sumire, what is a three- man squad?" Shino asked.

"I-it's a three-man team made in order for shinobi to fulfill missions!" Sumire said.

"You got half of it right. A three-man squad is a team of comrades, who hold each other's lives in their hands. The reason is because teamwork is the factor that distinguishes between life and death. From this moment as a ninja, you will be beginning a relationship that will be continue for the rest of your life. Never forget that. All right, when I call your names, you will quietly go to the other room..... Denki Kaminarimon!"

"Yes!" Denki steps foreward.

"Metal Lee!"


Why Am I Here? Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz