"Hey! Hey!" Reece said pulling Blane off of her. "You need to calm the fuck down dude." He said holding Blane against the counter.

"Say anything about her again and I'll fucking hurt you." Blane said, still being held by Reece. Noah walked by us pulling Ashley away. I heard them talking, more like yelling at each other. All the screaming caused Blake to wake up, he was behind me with such a tired face, poor baby probably didn't sleep as much as he wanted.

"She's fucking dead who cares!" Ashley yelled, Blane hearing it, pushing Reece off, Ellie catching him before he got hurt. Blake took Blane's arm pulling him.

"Blane stop" Blake demanded.

"I'll fucking kill her I swear." Blane said frustrated with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"You need to calm down, I don't want you hurting anyone Blane, go calm down in my room or something, just don't break anything." Blake said pointing his room. Blane hugged him before walking down the hall. "As for you, I'd like you to leave." He said to Ashley as she just stared. "You heard me Ashley, leave."

"Well thanks for letting me stay." She said taking her purse.

"I would say you're welcome but no one hurts blane the way you just did, and disrespect Cherie like that. Have a little fucking respect, now get out." Blake said turning around.

"I'll see you around." She said to Noah before walking out.

As the door shut, Blane walked out of B's room with stomping and pacing back and forth in the living room while shouting "if anyone ever says anything about Cherie I'll fucking slice their throat I don't care!" Noah & Blane were talking it out in the living room as Blake sat in front of me, leaning onto the table as he was very tired.

"Tired are we?" I asked moving my chair closer to him, patting his hair as a smirk appeared on his fatigued face.

"Tired's an understatement." He sighed, the smirk leaving quickly. "I was scared to sleep."he said in a hushed tone, a tear rolling from the corner of his eye.

"Are you okay?" I asked pushing some strands away from his face.

"Yeah, I'll make it through today, fucking questioning." He sighed along with an eye roll. "I want to look good then." He smiled brightening up the whole room. "Come on, you'll change too, because it's presently 9:32 and we need to be there by 11, so plenty of time to get ready and look all pretty." He smiled pulling me down the hall.

After about an hour of going through his clothes and me trying different outfits like I was some catwalk model, we finally decided on two outfits that he and I liked a lot.

"Reece dickhead! Come here!" Blake called out holding his phone, Reece leaning in the door frame afterwards. "Aren't we couple goals?" He smiled looking to me. "Don't we look damn great together."

"My favorite couple." He smiled. "I'm assuming you want me to take a picture?" He laughed, Blake nodding while handing Reece his phone.

"Wait should we look gay?" I laughed looking to Blake.

"I don't know? What the fuck does gay even look like?" He answered laughing.

"You know what Blake, you. You look like gay."

"Awe thanks babe, coming from the twink, that's a compliment."

Reece in the meantime was losing air on how much he was laughing. "See, that's why you two are my favorite couple. Two fucking dorks."

"Or two dorks fucking, works both ways." Blake chuckled nudging me.

"Just take the fucking picture Reece." I giggled.

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